I have been suffering from a pain in the side of my neck on and off for a few weeks now, thinkin its just cos im tired or had a lurgy now it is worryin me wondering if its another secondary. (have secondaries in my lungs, and bones dx nov 07 been stable since then and on arimedex)
also, had a weekend away were i ate loads and thought had put on loads of weight in fact this morning i weigh half - 3 quarter of a stone lighter since this time last week and feel thats not right! i double checked too. since christmas 07 i have dropped from 10.5 stone now to 8 stone without trying thats 2.5 stone in a year when for years i have been trying to loose that weight it happened of its own accord!!
so scared. and dont want to make that call to my oncologist.
Unfortunately with a mets diagnosis it’s impossible to remain calm when you notice the slightest ache or pain. I can totally understand you not wanting to call your oncologist, but you will probably be sick with worry if you don’t get it investigated. It could be nothing… I always think it’s best to act quickly if you’re worried so that you can get peace of mind sooner.
Sorry you’ve got this new worry. I’d say check it out with your oncologist and get a through examination. Pain in your neck could be tumours…I have several and sometimes they hurt so unfortunately it is a possibility.
had blood test and its normal seein oncologist next wednesday - been on anti bio its helped chest a lot and also my neck is hardly hurting so i hope its was linked. also a lot less stressful at home, had stressful few weeks with grumpy teenager and been very hard but all settlin now and much improved and miraculously my pain in my neck seems better so now wonder if infection/stress???
no more clues about hte weight loss altho its not budgin from 8 stone so thats a relief so hope its levelled out again - frustratin tho have a wardrobe of clothes i cleared out and bagged up and put in loft for when i get bigger! cant bear to throw them out altho may do a swap with my friend who just had baby and she can wear my things and i wear her things before she had her babe! from wardrob clear out left with 2 pairs of work trousers and one skirt for work and that depresses me as i like to wear different stuff every day for 2 weeks or so at least! yesterday had a good buy tho - found a smart work coat in sale aged 12-13years old fits a treat! (dont know why on earth a 12-13 yr old would want such a grown up style coat but anyway) gonna have to cut the label out tho! not very business/professional!!! lol!!
anywya see how get on next week at oncolgist appoitnmetn - fingers xd be ok !
Glad to hear that your pain has been improving. Must be a relief as back and neck pain is so oppressive, especially when you can’t move your neck. My neck seized up a few months ago and funnily the physio said something about my diaphragm being tense and contributing to the pain in my shoulder, so it’s not unfeasible that pain was exacerbated by tension.
I think I misread your original post and thought you’d lost two stone since Christmas! So I’m glad to hear you’ve maintained the 8 stone. I am in the opposite camp and have put on over a stone and am struggling with clothes and body image. It’s a bummer.
Anyway, hope your appointment goes well on Wednesday and that you get to the bottom of it.