Hey all and hoping you are all as well as can be expected.
dx last Jan 07. Ductal carcinoma, grade 3 no lymph node involvement, aged 28.
Had lumpectomy, chemo x 6 and rad x 13 + 3 boosters.
A few weeks ago I had a CT scan of my neck/chest/abdo/pelvis. I got the results as being all clear except some calcification in my liver.
I have been getting lower back ache for about 2 months now and doc has told me it probably is JUST a back ache and not to worry. For about a week now I have been getting pain in my rib and have an exteremly sore spot there that feels almost stinging when pushed.
When I got the CT results the doc basically said he didn’t know why I was panicking, they were clear and get over it. My mum also a cancer sufferer has also laid into me a bit saying that I worry over the slightest little pain and that I need to try and move on and not keep running to the doctors.
I’m now thinking should I go and see the doc or am I just worrying AGAIN.
If there is something lurcking in my bones would the CT scan have picked it up ?
I really don’t know what to do ?
I’m trying so hard to get life back to normal but little things keep cropping up. I’m getting married in two weeks and am worried that if I bring light to the situation it could ruin the wedding but am also thinking if I don’t I will be worried all honeymoon and obviously by time I get back from honeymoon it will be 4 weeks down the line and cause more problems.
Thanks all for taking the time to read this,
Mandy xxx