Pain in right breast with lumps.....anxious


Iam 54 years old and going through the menopause. I went to the doctors a couple of days ago with pain in my right breast, she did an examination and said I had a lumpy breast and refered me to the two week wait breast clinic, I have been given an appointment on the 18th of March. Now its the waiting game.

I have pain in two areas which seems to be two seperate lumps, the pain feels like a pinch, I have no other symptons?

About 9 years ago I went through the same thing I had a cyst removed from the left breast, this feels completely different and really painful.

Has anyone had simular experience ?

Hiyer Holly’s Mum,


I wish I had something I could say that would make you feel totally fine, but its so natural to feel incredibly anxious and your mind will be going in circles, possibly swaying between hopeful and positive to fearful and negative. Anybody who is referred to the breast clinic with any symptoms (on the two week rule) will be feeling as you do now, but you have done exactly the right thing in seeing your GP and it is even better that your clinic is seeing you in a very quick time-scale. You will probably know all the statistics about most lumps investigated being benign, and have had your own experience of that yourself, so a referral of course doesn’t mean you have bc it just means it needs ruling out. I haven’t had the set of symptoms you describe (I have had bc however myself), but even if I had it wouldn’t necessarily, unfortunately, say if there was anything to worry about or anything to not worry about. You will find stories on the internet where symptoms match yours and it was bc and symptoms that match yours that weren’t bc, the specialists will be the only ones who are able to tell you if the painful areas are anything that needs treating and if they are a benign problem. Its not too long to wait now, a few days more on this horrific waiting experience. Do you know if you are going to a one-stop clinic where they can do any necessary ultrasound/tests in the same appointment ?