Just over 3 years ago I found a lump in my breast and went to the breast clinic. They did an exam and a scan and said they were happy it was lumpy thickened tissue. A needle biopsy was taken but the results said there was not enough sample to test. I have been keeping an eye as recommended and it doesn’t seem to have changed but I have developed pain in that breast and there seems to be an indent below this “thick” area. I was wondering if it was an age thing (42 and on HRT following a hysterectomy) My GP said he thinks it’s less a dip and more that the area above is swollen. As his exam was painful he referred me to the clinic. Now starting to worry that there is something wrong and that it was missed before. I have an appointment on Tuesday and am just looking for reassurance.
Hi Bellagio,
Just hoping that all goes well for your appointment tomorrow and that you get good news. Let us know how you get on. If the news isn’t so good or you have to wait for test results there is support here as well as by telephone to the nurse specialists here.