Pain when wearing a bra?

Pain when wearing a bra?

Pain when wearing a bra? Since i have put on 10 kilos in the last 10 months ! since starting tamoxifen my boobs have also grown. It is now obvious if i dont wear a bra so when visiting Jersey last month got measured for a new one. Now, when ever i wear it , after a couple of hours i get a sickening pain in the lymph node area - in the bit where under the armpit meets the bra cup. It is so bad i have to take it off. then everythings fine again.
Anyone else have this problem?


I went on saturday to get some new bras from marks and spencer and got measured, as the ones i was wearing when i took them off where the seams had been there were indentations its down to fluid which the doc said you cant do anything about.

I have also noticed they have grown. But not getting any pain as such.

Have u got a underwire one??

Me too I’ve had real problem since my Mastectomy in January. I got my self measured up and fitted (after trying about 20 bras!!!) out with 2 bras at the cost of just over £60… One I took back to the shop after wearing for only 1/2 an hour. It literally rubbed me raw across the end of the scar under the arm. The other I can wear out for short periods of time, as long as I’m not too active, or my prosthesis moves.

Since then i have bought myself 2 sports bras from Tesco (only cheapies at a fiver each), they are a lot softer material and I am managing to wear them all day. I still get some discomfort under the arm pit, but I think this is where it’s still swollen. I bought another cheapie from ASDA, a post surgery bra, and I wore it with my prosthesis yesterday and I found that not too bad, but not as comfortable as my sports bras!

I’m not going to waste my time on good bras at the moment, I’ll wait until it’s all settled down. To be honest these days I’m past worrying about having the best, anything will do as long as it’s comfortable.

Lynn x

Its not underwired, i had a lumpectomy so its not actually rubbing - the bra is probly the best fitting of my life! i am off to see the onc tomorrow for my normal 3 monthly visit so will mention this to her and see what she says. I think i might get a sloggi top and see if thats any better.

Falke bras Might be of interest to anyone having trouble with bras. I had a mastectomy and have quite a long scar. Ordinary bras tend to get very uncomfortable quite quickly. I bought some bras by a company called Falke. i think they’re Swedish. The bras are actually aimed at walkers, climbers, sportswomen as they are made froma fabric that wicks moisture away from your skin. They’re also made from one piece of fabric so no seams. They have a “sport” design so maybe don’t look very glamorous but they are comfortable. I was able to wear them pretty quickly after rads without any discomfort and they hold a prosthesis quite well. You’d probably have to try an outdoor shop to find them or try an internet search. I got mine at Rathbones in Keswick. They have a website and do mail order.


Pineapple - I had a lumpectomy and axillary clearance last December and my breast and underarm are still painful.

I’ve just bought some Sloggi cotton crop tops in preparation for rads which is starting soon and they are extremely comfortable and also give good support.

Good luck tomorrow with your onc appointment.

Hi Pineapple

I too have a lot of pain when wearing bras but I’ve found the most comfortable to be from Nicola Jane. They have a web site I must have spent over £200 on bras since having my mastectomy last May and although the Nicola Jane ones are the most comfortable I’ve found, I still get pain after wearing for long periods. I can just about manage work but as soon as I get home I have to take it off. My partner laughs at me cos as soon as I get home I say “just a minute whilst I take my tit off”.

I’m beginning to think its something I’ll have to live with for the rest of my life. Never a day goes by thats not pain free anymore. Another curse I suppose of the BC.

Not a very optimistic message but I hope it makes you feel a little better that others are feeling just the same.

Good luck.


Thanks everyone, Anthi - i will let you know what she says tomorrow. I bloody hate these damn appointments every 3 months. I am sure she will tell me off about my weight - she told me last time to try to put a halt to the increase and i have put on another 4 kilos in 3 months! i will also try to explain how i would really ‘love’ my hair- i am too young at 48 to be bald for the rest of my life. Going back to Morocco at the weekend so i am looking forward to that - getting away from my ‘place of cancer’ i just about forget all about it when i am away apart from the headscarf thing.
I am soooo excited, we are flying from Paris and going to go to La Louvre for the day before going out to the airport. We never go to Paris so as we are going to be there might as well make the most of it and since reading Dan browns book have wanted to go. Got the tickets today so cant wait.
Shirl X