
Please can anyone tell me if they have had pain at there front of the ribs and back of ribs after chemo and radio treatment though it was a year ago, is it normal or could it be a bad sign. I am concerned. Thank you all.

Hi wfaf and welcome to the BCC forums

Along with the support you will find here our helpliners are on hand with practical and emotional support weekdays 9-5 and Saturdays 10-2 on 0808 800 6000 so please feel free to call to talk any concerns over

Take care

Lucy BCC

Hi wfaf,


It’s possible that you could have costochondritis. This website deals specifically with it:


Perhaps you could pop along there to compare the pain you feel with what they say about costochondritis. I have it, and it can get so bad sometimes you feel as though you are having a heart attack!!


Sending very gentle hugs.


poemsgalore xx