Hi, I’m sorry if this post is ridiculous - I’m just so worried. I know it’s said often that breast pain isn’t usually associated with breast cancer. However, I’ve been having these intermittent shooting pains in my right breast only, around the nipple, just above the nipple, and just to the right of it, for the last month and a bit. I’ve also had some aching and tenderness under my arm. I can’t feel any lumps at the moment, but my breasts are quite dense.
Initially I thought it was hormone related, but the fact it’s in one breast only and has lasted more than one cycle is worrying me. I don’t drink much caffeine, rarely wear a bra (small chested) and have had no injury to my breast.
Has anyone else had these symptoms? Or do they sound familiar? The earliest I could have an appointment at the clinic is in two weeks and the wait is just making me more anxious.
Thank you for your time.