Painful breast?

For the past month I have had a tender right breast, its now slightly enlarged. Its like a dull ache, with the occasional twinge. Also an intermittent ache/pain in armpit.
GP thinks fibrocystic changes/a cyst. I can’t feel any lumps in the breast or armpit, not that I’m an expert, and the pain seems to move around. Not too sure whether its cyclical or not. No other changes, skin normal colour and texture.
I had a fibroadenoma removed 15 years ago, and my right side has always been lumpier and denser than the left side. I have my referral appointment next week but am so worried. Any ideas anyone? Mother had cysts aged 50, BC age 57.

Hi Katies and welcome to the BCC forums

In addition to the support you will have here from your fellow users our helpliners are on hand to offer you further support and information so please feel free to call to talk through your concerns. Lines open 9-5 weekdays and 10-2 Saturdays on 0808 800 6000.

The following link will take you to the BCC ‘Breast awareness’ information page which you may find helpful:

Take care

Lucy BCC