Hello, need some advice please.
I took Tamoxifen for 2 years and was switched to Anastrazole which I’ve now been on now for 8 months. The good thing is I feel like ‘me’ again and the mental fog has gone, I’m less tired and far less anxious which is all good BUT; from the start I had painful, stiff ankles which particularly in the mornings made me hobble about like and old lady (i’m a fit, 50 year old). Now however, most of my joints, seem to be hurting and some seem to be making a clicking noise also.
I wonder if changing the brand of Anastrazole might be worth a try? Currently I have been taking the TEVA brand. I did read on here somewhere that some-one had tried a different brand and had more hot flushes but less bone pain but please can anyone tell me what brand they are on and what they think of it as I don’t want to make things any worse.
Could the brand make a difference do you think?
It’s such a shame as whilst I feel like me mentally, physcially my body is falling apart!
Thanks for your help!