Painful knees

Hi all, I’ve not posted for a while, been sorting family stuff. Anywho, my knees are sooooooooo painful, I don’t know if it’s anything to do with having chemo 6 years ago, I’ve heard that there are “ late “ side effects, has anyone else had anything like this this, and would taking glucosamine help?

Hi Munch

Sorry that you havent had a reply yet.  Maybe if you posted on the thread where you have been active previously? 

Tired after 6 years

Best wishes
Digital Community Officer

Hi I’m 5yrs post chemo and rads and my knees are painfully as well. I’m seeing GP next week, use movelat at the moment with some relief. I’m also bruising easily as well but at last check up at the hospital they said it wasn’t related with treatment so something else to find out about.



I too have been having painful knees and i’m 9 years all clear, I just put it down to the weight I was carrying. The fact that I can’t keep up with my husband when he walks too has now got me thinking.  Let me know how you get on 

Hi, Sarah, I was carrying a lot of extra weight but I’ve now lost about 2 stone, and my knees are more painful now than they were before, I am on my feet all day at work, so it could be something to do with that, but over the last week my hips have become painful, I feel like I’m falling apart ??

Hi! Msm and boron supplement may be usefull. Condroitin too. Magnesium and collagen, with vit c for more absorption. Those supplement improves articulations pain, specially boron and msm. Good luck!