pains after treatment


i am back and looking for some advice regarding my mum, just to breif you- diagnosed aug 2007, WLE, no node involvment 1.5cm tummor, grade 3 triple neg. she has being suffering shooting pains comming from her excision scar traveling to under her arm, her ribs are also quite sore, and she can at times get a sharp pain when breathing in. i am basicly looking for any advice about what this can be? i am waiting on the appointment with the surgeon comming in, should be aug for her yearly check up, but not sure wheather i should call breast care nurse? please help me.
could anyone please tell me the liklehood on recc/sec with mums prognosis.

thanks in advance.- i don’t have acsess to computer on regular basis so i don’t always get a chance to thank people for there kind advice as i only have enough time to read replys.

I had an awful lot of nerve pain from my underarm clearance and also experienced a lot of sharp stabbing pains from the radiotherapy treatment - this was usually in the rib area. I am 15 months on from rads now, but still get the odd stabbing pain and have been told it can take up to 2 years to settle. I also continually have a dull ache around the area of my WLE as I had to have a 5 rad boost on the scar tissue.

However, if I were you I would definitely talk to the breast care nurse to put your mind at rest. They can generally get appointments sorted out quickly (mines can get an appointment with the surgeon or oncologist within 5 days). It may be that she could get your mum’s appointment chased up and brought forward if she thinks it is necessary.