Panic! Am I paranoid??

Hi, everyone,
I started A.C. chemo 8 days ago and so far no really bad side effects( still taking a day at a time)… my big concern is that this horrible lump of mine doesn`t appear to be changing in the slightest.
My tumour has always been painful and itchy and nothing has changed…also size wise, it is certainly no different… feels huge!
Common sense tells me it is a little early for change but I am a little short of common sense at the moment!!
Off to play golf today and try to get back into the real world for a few hours, also restricted my hair wash days to 2 per week and todays the day… great!! Love to all, JanXX

Hi Jan,
I guess it’s too soon for any visible change in size, but I’m no expert. Maybe you could ask your bc nurse how soon a difference might be seen? I suggest you give her a ring, to put your mind at rest a little, she won’t mind!

Hope you really,really enjoy the game of golf, it will do you the world of good! That, coupled with the lovely hairwash will be a tonic.

We all worry,everyday, so no, you’re not paranoidI It’s the nature of this horrible thing.It just puts you on edge.

I went back to see my consultant because I was getting in a panic about a lump in my other breast last week.
An even though she reassured me it was just a cyst, I almost can’t wait to start my chemo this week to knock it all on the head!

hope the sun is shining there, as it is here. That helps a bit! Glad chemo going well so far. Take care of yourself, you are SPECIAL!

love and hugs,
Ann x

Dear Ann,
Thannks so much, did ring my nurse who said they don

Dear Ann,
Whoops , sorry,
The nurse said it will possibly be the 3rd cycle before I notice any changes …relief again!!

Raining here , but golf in the rain doesn`t sound too bad as things go these days.

Hope your chemo goes well this week I will be thinking of you.
Take care,
Lots of love,