
Is anybody able to advise? 18 motha ago I had an mildly inverted nipple, at the time I was referred to the breast clinic and the mammogram was normal. Snce then the nipple has retracted more especially when I’m cold but does still evert. I have seen the Dr x 3 since my initial referral to have this checked and on each examination she said all was ok, I went back last week & when she examined me she again said there was no abnormalities that she could feel in the breast or lymph glands but would refer me to the clinic because I’d been back a couple of times. I am now totally panicked but not sure why as she said that this was likley to be a case of progressive duct shortening which happens frequently in older ladies, even with this reassurance I’m so stressed out and alhtough I won’t, I feel like chickening out of my appt on Thursday. Can anyone offer any calming advice/ advice on calming?
Thank You All

Hi cb1

Whilst you are waiting for the other forums users to reply with their experiences you might find it helful to read the BCC booklet ‘your breast clinic appointment’ This booklet aims to give information about what to expect at the clinic and the different tests you may have. If you would like to order a copy or read this on line just follow the link below:-

Also do give the helpline a call if you need some extra support or to talk things through. The number is 0808 800 6000 and the lines are open Monday to Friday 9 to 5pm and Saturday 9 to 2pm.

Best wishes Sam, BCC Facilitator

Please try not to worry, you are doing the right thing to settle your mind. Remember the professionals are not referring you it is really by your insistence. The professionals are pretty certain it’s nothing to worry about. Try to focus on the positive (1) I you will have an answer by time of your appointment and feel better either way (2) you are being taken seriously (3) only you are worried which should feel a lot better than the ladies in here who have seen the professionals worried about their situation. (4) majority of lumps, bumps and other breast issues are not cancer. I do hope you can try to focus on something else until your appointment try to keep busy x

We are all so different and your GP will know that you are anxious so she needs to reassure you by sending you for another mammogram. You must keep the appointment for Thursday as you want to get closure one way or the other. So tomorrow keep very busy, concentrate on what you are doing all day. Be Mindful of each thing you do and if necessary tidy some drawers or cupboards, to take your mind away from yourself. Look at old photographs and this will keep you calm and make you smile.
Let us all know how you get on , we will be thinking of you . Love Tracy x

Hi CB1, I am sorry you find yourself back here and anxious once more. I think deep down you know that the only way to get a definitive answer is to go to the clinic and let them check you over. Your GP has done the irght thing, they are not qualified to diagnose breast problems, and the quick referral is the best way to do this.

Staying calm - well the only advice I can give is to try to keep pleasantly busy bewteen now and then, displacement is quite effective in my epxerience. On the day itself, take a book or Kindle with you to read whislt waiting, and try using deep breathing if you feel anxious.

Sending hugs and prayers (as I recall you would value that).

Thank you wonderful ladies for your advice and calming words, I am so sorry to be such a whimp, normally I’m the strong one but this has just polaxed me, due I think to a number of ongoing family concerns. I am more greatful to you that I can express properly in words and wish you all well.

Hi cb
Firstly, you are NOT a wimp. The bravest step you took was to see your doctor and by the time you read my post, you could have found out that you don’t have anything to worry about. As your GP says, it is probably a case of progressive duct shortening. Any health problem is scary, especially when we have no idea what we are dealing with. Good luck for Thursday and please let us know how you got on.
Hugs pg xxx