Papillomas/breast lesions


Went today to have a papilloma taken out after it being found on MRI and biopsey. I had the phone call yesterday asking me to come in today as my ‘lesion’ had been discussed by a multi disciplinary panel and they wanted it out as soon as possible as it was a B3, anyone got a clue what a B3 is.

To this day i still do not know if my original breast cancer 2 years ago was all the letter and numbers that people keep talking about on here, i guess i am oestrogen positive as i am on Arimidex but nothing else has ever been explained to me, they keep side stepping the question.

Hope someone out ther knows what a B3 is and the urgency to get the lesion out.

Best wishes


“Within mammographic breast screening programmes in Europe, a categorisation for nonoperative histology reporting is used from B1 normal and B2 benign through to B5 malignant. Definitive diagnosis is possible for the majority of lesions on core biopsies, but there remains a small proportion in the borderline category of B3, uncertain malignant potential. These are lesions that are either benign but known to be associated with malignancy, or which are known to be heterogeneous and where sampling may have missed a more worrisome area.”

Hope this helps


Hi Fiona

Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, i understand now, so it was best to have it out.

My breast unit is very non communicative on everything, they seem to think it is best we do not worry ourselves about anything!!

Thanks again