Paranoid about bone mets in ribs

Hi. I was wondering if anyone could help me. I know experiences will differ but what do bone mets in ribs feel like. I have had TNBC twice, once in 2007 and once in 2016. Everything has been fine. A few health issues that caused paranoia, but we’re all nothing to do with metastasis. Recently I have been having a lot of rib and stomach pain which has been diagnosed as gastritis. One night last week I was rubbing my ribs and found a very tender spot, not swelling, just tenderness. I can’t say that I get any pain from the specific area unless I apply pressure. In fact I wake in the morning to no pain at all, not even gastritis pain. 
as you all can imagine my health anxiety is elevated atm and I’m thinking all sorts of things. Mainly bone mets!

can anyone advice me of the actual symptoms of bone mets, if you have pain, swelling, does pain go away etc.

I have contacted my doctor and have been referred but I’m driving myself mad. Trying not too but it’s hard. 

Hi kwinnie_72

I’m sorry you haven’t received a response yet. If you would like to talk things through with someone in the mean time, our friendly nurses are available to lend a listening ear on our confidential Helpline.

You can reach them on freephone 0808 800 6000 (Mon-Fri 9am-4pm; Sat 9am-1pm). Alternatively, you can get in touch with our Nurses in the Ask Our Nurses area of the Forum and they can respond to you online. We’re always here to support you 

Best wishes,


Hi sending you a big hug. I had breast cancer in 2020 and this last couple of weeks I had a pain at the bottom of my ribs that is very sharp I get it even when I’m resting, I decided to ring the Breast Cancer Now Nurse line and spoke to a lovey lady who asked me if I was breathless or had done something strenuous (answers to both no) she advised me to give my breast team a call to get some advice and may need to go and see them.  Your not alone xx