
Was diagnosed with primary BC in 2004 aged 39. No lymph nodes affected. Had mastectomy, chemo, radiotherapy, reconstruction, five years of tamoxifen. Then in 2010, almost on the anniversary of the first. another primary in the other Breast, found on annual mammogram. Back on the roundabout with same treatment except lymph nodes affected this time. 17 cycles of herceptin and am still on arimidex. Now age 50. Every twinge has me panicking about mets. My shoulder has just started causing me pain in certain positions, I feel like I’m 90 when I get out of bed in the morning until I get going. I feel isolated as I can’t talk to my family as I don’t want to worry them. My husband has little patience, says all the right things but he appears not be interested. Probably my perception. I realise I am lucky to get to still being here today by dodging bullets, and know there are many on here worse off than me. Will this fear ever go away?

Hi ally_36, 

I am sorry to hear you are going through this difficult time and I am sure some of our users will be along to offer their support soon.

In the meantime please do call our support line at 0808 800 6000 who will be able to talk to you about the difficult time you are experiencing, offer some information and provide a friendly ear.

Best wishes, 


Digital Community Assistant