Having had a single mastectomy with immediate reconstruction I now have quite a difference in breast size and a concave cleavage. Lipomodelling has been offered, to be done in approximately six months but in the mean time I need a bit of help to even out. Can anyone recommend any “chicken fillets” for value and comfort please Thank you
Dear Topcatturner
Sorry that you havent had a response to your question yet. You may find more response by posting in the Moving forward after breast cancer area of the Forum.
Best wishes
Digital Community Officer
I know I am not quite the same diagnosis but I had a lumpectomy last October and my operated breast is roughly 1.5 cups smaller than my other breast. I ordered a “knitted knocker” from their website (free for BC patients) and took a lot of the stuffing out (you order your larger size) and find this fits very well and is very soft and comfy. I hope this helps
Hi Topcatturner
It’s Emily here from Breast Cancer Care.
I just thought I’d let you know that we have some email volunteers who have used a prosthesis alongside their reconstruction. You’d be very welcome to drop them an email for tips. They are:
Pat: pat@breastcancercare.org.uk
I hope this helps.
Best wishes
Emily at Breast Cancer Care
Thanks Optimisticmz. I knew about the knitted knockers but didn’t think of them with an option to “adjust”