Partial Prosthesis or fillers

Having had a single mastectomy with immediate reconstruction I now have quite a difference in breast size and a concave cleavage. Lipomodelling has been offered, to be done in approximately six months but in the mean time I need a bit of help to even out. Can anyone recommend any “chicken fillets” or similar for value and comfort please Thank you


Sorry I didn’t see this post sooner.

You should be able to use the NHS prosthetics service to get a free partial prosthetic. My appointment was arranged by my BCN. They have a large range of different types and sizes, and were the same as anything you can buý privately. I needed a partial prosthetic to balance me up until I could have a reduction to my good side for symmetry, Bertha became quite a fixture in my life for about a year. If you have one with a silicone backing it will sit in your normal bra, no need for pockets.


I expect this may be too late to be of any help, but good luck!