partner in need of help


My partner can cope with what is happening to me.
I have secondaries on my left lung following breast
Cancer in 1995 and 2002.

He loves me to bits , but as I call it he has gone in
Hedgehog mode, curled up in a ball and hiding feelings,
He went with me to have my long hair cut off last week.

I am on day two of my first chemo and staying at my

He knows he has a problem and wants help

Any ideas

With love


Should be not coping at all

Sorry head not working


Sorry to hear Rosie. You could try speaking to your BCN or Macmillan nurse who may be able to point him towards some counselling or a support group. They may know of partners who have been in a similar position and would be willing to talk to him. He could also give the helpline a call.

Hope things getting better soon.

Laurie x

Do encourage him to call the helpline tomorrow. they may be able to help. His GP might also be worth talking to as he sounds under a lot of stress and doesn’t want to burden you with it so is locking it up inside . This is such a cruel disease

Hi rosiechin

I understand this is a really difficult time for you and your partner, as others have said, maybe a call to the helpline might be helpful, they’re open 9-5 weekdays and 9-2 on Saturday.

Your partner might find it helps to read our publication called In it Together, it’s aimed at partners, here’s the link:

Hope you find this useful.

Best wishes


Thank you for replies, he is ringing my bcn and
Rang up for some leafletr
Only taken him two months !!! Men all over
Back to my pink bucket day three of chemo
Love rosie x

My partner off to see my bcn on wednesday .
His company so understanding - mine do not give a
Thought about me ,
Moaning sorry x

Rosie x