partner with liver mets

Hello. I’m brand new to this discussion forum. My partner has recently been dx with bc with secondaries in her bone and liver. Yes a huge shock but she is coming to terms with it and is being incredibly brave and strong - she’s even back at work part time. She is currently having chemo (Epirubicin and cyclophosphamide). I’m just wondering if anyone out there with liver mets has some positive stories with their diagnosis, treatment and prognosis. I don’t want to settle for the oncologist’s prognosis of 2 years. I think it’s important to be positive. Thanks

Hi Swelly1

I also have bone and liver mets and had EC now on Vinorelbine - hope this works. I am also at work part time but it is not very taxing physically so is okay.

The oncs prognosis of 2 years … Me I don’t ask and think they are going on statistics and how can they possibly know about ME I am just a very small part of these statistics and they may just be wrong and it is such agloomy thing to dwell on…perhaps I am just hiding my head in the sand.

It’s a nice sunny day and as you say keep positive as I am sure this cancer feeds off negative thoughts!

My wife has had large liver mets ( Plus bones and lungs ) for nearly 2 years and the Xeloda is doing a good job of holding it back. Onc appointment yesterday and bloods were fine

Hi Swelly

I am 2 years down the line from a bc and liver mets diagnosis. I started on the same treatment as your partner, which worked well, then a few spells on hormonals (which didn’t work so well) then taxol and now xeloda which is a great drug. My quality of life is much the same as it ever was and I’ve learned to live with my diagnosis. There is much spoken here of prognoses, and noone is able to accurately say how long any of us will live, but many people are way beyond their initial prognosis, and I hope it will be the same for your partner. Good luck with EC chemo, and keep us posted. There is a wealth of support and information to be found here.


Hi there
Just to give you hope as I had BC +liver mets in 2002 and I am still here to shout about it
Dont give up as there are so many treatments out there and more coming out
Its a fight every day but its worth it
Luv jANE

Hi Everyone

I was pleased to read the last comment as I have BC with liver mets diagnosed last year. The prognosis I was given was 5 years but as you say lots of treatments available and more coming out all the time. Am currently on Paclitaxol and have no hair again but I am very positive.
Good luck everyone