Password - security madness

Password - security madness

Password - security madness Hi everyone,

I know my memory has been affected by chemo, but I get by ok everyday until I forget a password. Now my day is filled with trying to remember codes, user names, pin numbers and passwords!

So this week frustrated as hell (as I’ve had a week of forgetting in difficult situations like paying for my trolley heaped high with stuff that’s about to melt) I phone up my bank and tell them “I know I logged in only recently but I have completely forgotton my password and I need access…”

Ok they tell me, we’ll reset it but first you have to provide answers to these security questions. Mothers maiden name is easy - how can I forget that one - I think everyone knows that…so then come questions like -

what’s a memorable name - I don’t blimmen know
ok, what’s your favourite meal - from what year?
how about your favourite colour - Oh this is ridicoulous I have no memory of every setting these security questions
can you let us know your phone pin - I never use it so, no
what about a recent transaction - that’s what I need blimmen access for!!!

And so it goes on…

Failing the security test, I now have to complete more forms and wait for more stuff to come through the post!

So, now I have to write everything down, which is in breach of security!

Anyone else having problems like this?


Hi Sonya

I’m not so much having trouble remembering numbers but mine seems to be names and certain words and sometimes my arithmetic is bad. I keep thinking I’m in the first stages of alzheimers but then I’m told this is just one of the effects of chemo.

Its really frustrating sometimes because I can’t remember the right word if I’m having a conversation with somebody. Or I get the words mixed up, like saying par cark. I keep calling a colleague at work Simon and his names Andy. In shops I can’t seem to add up the correct amount of money, or I keep checking it because it doesn’t look right. I keep saying to shopkeepers, can you check that for me.

I’ve now keyed in my pin numbers (just in case) as a telephone number in my phone - again not the brightest of ideas but it saves the embarrassment of forgetting.

Am hoping things get better as time goes on, but who knows!!


why you talking bout me…!!! well you could be!!! failed last night to set up telephone banking as couldnt remember my pass code-boy on end sounded bout 10 and made me feel like a blooming fraudster!!! I too now await reams of paper!!! My bad memory sent me to drs last week-he told me to keep diary for 2 wks then go back-guess who forgets to fill in diary!!!
keep losing car in car park-was almost in tears yesterday as convinced it had been stolen!!!only found it eventually when l remembered the mcmillan daffodil logo thing attatched to my ariel so looked for that!!!well could go on and on-but forgotten what we were talking about lol! had FEC 2.5yrs ago-blame it on that!
sharon x

But I have no excuse Girls

I have not had chemo but seem to have all of the symptoms that you mention!!! I’m having rads at the moment are you sure I can’t blame those? My mind started to go when I started the menopause and it’s been all down hill from there. My other half returned from the kitchen last weekend as I flopped about in front of the telly and said - it’s ok I’ve turned the tap off and the week before last I came home and couldn’t remember the security code for the house alarm. Nor could I remember where I had hidden the piece of paper with the number on for just such an emergency. Phoned partner on his mobile and had to bellow to be heard over the alarm - he was in the airport in Rome at the time on his way back from a meeting - I only got hold of him because his flight was delayed - no idea what I would have done if he had already taken off no one else knows the number. Am I going mad or is it ok to be this dippy?

Thanks for making me smile and feel that I am not the only one with wonky brain :sunglasses: x