path results!!

Hey ladies thought I’d update with where I am:

was diagnosed 16 may with stage 3 grade 3 invasive. Had mx and ANC recovered well.
path results today stage 2b cancer 3/30 nodes affected. 2 small cancers 1 x 11mm mucinous and 30mm DCIS .
Very ER positive and HR2 positive . Will have chemo rads herceptin and tamoxifen and recon in 18 months phew. They got clear margins. And consultant seemed very happy and positive.
Will see the on. At marsden . All in all I’m fairly pleased and positive xx

Glad to hear your op went well. I remember you posting before as think we are similar in age. I am a few weeks ahead of you, had first chemo last week (not as bad as I thought), then having rads and heceptin.
I’ve joined the June Jewels chemo group which has really helped. Do you have a start date for chemo yet?
Faye x

Hey Faye :slight_smile: no but approximate in 2 weeks time I start. Gutted I have to have the lot but quite pleased too. Pretty hopeful .
Glad chemo is going ok for you x

Hi Caroline,

Good to hear how you’re doing. You sound really upbeat, which is great!

I’m the one that’s worrying and seeking reassurance over every little thing these days it seems! Oh well, what goes around comes around!

Good luck with the rest of your treatment!

Rose xxx

I worry too. Have moments of meltdown. We all know its a lottery regardless of how many nodes etc.
I feel positive because the results are better than I feared, and I have a lot of treatment to through at it .

Keep smiling xx

Hi Caroline,Glad you have come back to let us know how you are getting on.I had my 1st Fec on Wednesday,I’ve been ok.I was like you glad to get it,an extra bit of insurance.There is a few of us on the June Jewels all just started chemo if you want to come and chat . Take care meggy x

Hi Caroline,

Very glad they got clear margins for you. You have a similar profile as me. 3cm, Grade 3, Stage 2b. There the similarity ends. Mine was Ductal invasive tumour , 100% ER positive, 70% PR positive, HER2 negative. 1 out of 3 nodes affected, vascular invasion. As you are HER 2 positive, you would have had to have chemo anyway. But the Herceptin you will have with it is an additional treatment to get rid of cancer, as is Tamoxifen and rads. You will be throwing everything available at the thing, so oddly, it’s good news really!! Although I doubt you will see it that way. Sending Very big hugs, and best wishes for your treatment. It will be a long haul - but worth it to kill the b*****d!!
PG xx

Hi Caroline will you be starting Chemo in July? There doesn’t seem to be a July thread yet- I’m sure there are lots of ladies out there who are starting same as you in July. Why don’t you start one up yourself? Good luck!

Yes! Oncology appointment Monday so starting chemo very soon! Eek!!
Poems sort of glad I have everything to throw at it really I suppose!! X

Got my second set of results back after node clearance. In total 3 out of 11 affected. I’m a bit confused as to why the number of nodes removed varies from one person to another. Also, the results from the original sentinel node removal showed micromet in one out of five. They were very reassuring and said it was just a belt and braces approach to go back in and many schools of thought is to consider one micromet a negative result and leave it at that. Quite freaked out, but if they hadn’t gone back in I really would be in the shit. However, hearing that’s some people can have many more nodes removed has made me freak out even more…