Patient Rep - SENTINUS Study

The clinical Trials Unit at Warwick Medical School is looking for someone to come on board as a patient rep to help with Patient and Public Involvement (PPI).

Surgery is the standard of care for axillary staging but has recognised problems such as infection, sensory disturbance and arm lymphoedema. Ultrasound technologies now offer the promise of a radiological alternative to surgical staging.

SENTINUS is a multicentre phase II trial to assess the technical feasibility and diagnostic accuracy of intradermal microbubbles and contrast-enhanced ultrasound (CEUS) to identify sentinel lymph node (SLN) metastases in breast cancer patients compared to axillary surgery.

If the research is successful, the next stage will be to design a RCT to test the non-inferiority of CEUS sentinel lymph node core biopsy compared to axillary surgery in terms of overall survival and locoregional recurrence. 

For more information, please email Sophie Gasson –