pea size lump i am 30 years old with family history

hi i went to the doctor today with a small lump in my breast she said she thinks it is a pea size benign lump but would refer me urgently for mamogram and ultrasound,im confused if she thinks it is ok why the urgent referal??

Any suspician of cancer is supposed to be seen within 2 weeks, although not all postcodes are this lucky. Its normal procedure.

Fingers crossed for you

Hi there

They do say that 9 out of 10 breast lumps are benign and I sincerely hope that this is the case for you. However, I think your GP is being very responsive and ensuring that you are given the correct information ASAP and is not ignoring it or asking you to go back in a few months time. I think with your family history it is a common sense approach. As I said, I do hope that you are 1 of the 9 in 10. Take care, J.

Hi, an urgent referral is the best you can get. If the lump is found to be benign then you can stop worrying and move on. If it is malignant (and the chances are it won’t be) you can start treatment quickly to get it sorted.

Either way you need to know as soon as possible,

Good luck and Best Wishes, Lynn x

Hi there and welcome to the Breast Cancer Care discussion forums. As Jaynek says, most lumps are not cancer but all changes to your breasts need checking out just to make sure.

I have put for you below the link to two of BCC’s publications you may find helpful before your hospital appointment, ‘Referral to a breast clinic’ and ‘breast cancer in families’ hope it helps.*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/59/*/changeTemplate/PublicationDisplay/publicationId/70/

Take care,
Jo, Facilitator

thank everyone for your comments.will keep you posted … best wishes to you all x

I had a mastectomy in November 2009, then found a pea-sized lump in the new breast but was sent away. It was 3 months later that I was referred and it had grown to be a 2.3cm aggressive cancer. This sounds awful BUT, the reason I am telling you this is that it was still very very treatable even after it grew to be much bigger than a pea and even though it was a recurrance. Being referred now and quickly will mean that if it is a cancer, it really is going to be sorted out.

I hope that it isn’t, and I know that all the waiting is very scary, but reassure yourself that even if it isn’t the best news, it is treatable.

In the meantime, I found that it helped me to focus on getting as healthy as I could just in case I needed treatment - although it was very tempting to eat another biscuit!


thank you for your comment annie i saw the doc on tuesday afternoon and had my appointment by friday lunchtime for this tuesday. what you posted is exactly the way im feeling if it is cancer then least it is mum had breast cancer and passed away in 2001 and my gran had breast cancer and lived for years after she died of something else 4 years ago,my son finished treatment for cancer jan 2010 hes 13 now so i no how important it is to be possitive but also if you notice anything different in your your body to get it checked.thank you so much for all your comments will keep you all posted on how i get on xxx

hi girls, i had my appointment at breast clinic and was refered for a ultrasound which i had friday she said she is sure the doc will want me to have a needle biopsy on lumps yes lumps she found another one in the same breast i only found one so left knowing there is another one there too so just waiting for neede biopsy now.will keep you posted… thanks again for messages ladies

Hi bbt,
you did the right thing there, and I’m glad it’s all being dealt with now. You poor thing, so sorry about your son too that must have been awful for all of you.
Yes it’s important to be positive, but do bear in mind that you’re allowed to be down sometimes and be kind to yourself.
Lots of luck for the biopsy and do let us know what happens.
Big hugs

thank you bubble trouble.will let u no :slight_smile: x