Hi, Next week i´m due my 2nd session of chemo out of 8, tonight my arm started hurting where the drip went in for my chemo, I did really badly bruise after mt first session, Oh they also put it in my elbow joint not my hand.
Anyway I rubbed my arm as it was hurting and felt a really hard pea sized lump.
Does anyone have any advice as to what this could be? Could it be vein hardenning?
Thanks, I am a little worried so any advice would be greatly received.
Love Teresa xxx
hi teresa, i went into hospital last week with neutropenia n had antibiotics n drips in same vein that theyd used 4 my chemo. my first im just ahead of u .but it was hurting while in ther n when i came home if anyone grabbed my hand i shot thru th roof. when i went 4 chemo on thurs they said it was phflebitis. didnt seem worried n they used another vein at the side i was worried tho as veins r not good. a week later its a lot better i did read somone on here mentioned ibruprofen cream cud be an option but check. rozita xxxx
Yes sounds very much like phelbitis - inflammation of the vein. It should go down in time and they will have to avoid using that vein again. If it’s painful I would go to the doctor for them to check it out as it would be good to rule out infection and blood clot. Usually those will present with some reddening and warmth in the area but best to get checked.
I think you may live in spain so not sure if something like a portacath is an option for you?
take care
Hi Teresa
Could be phlebitis but worth checking out as elinda said just in case - I’ve had terrible phlebitis to the extent where last chemo had to be given in lymph removed arm! I was prescribed Hirudoid (Heparinoid) cream for the phlebitis which works really well and can be precribed by your GP. Ibuprofen tablets can help if you can tolerate them as well.
Leigh x
Hi thanks all, there´s no redness just this hard pea sized lump…
it doesn´t hurt today but it is still there, I have my 2nd session of chemo on thurs so I will get it checked out then…