Pedicle TRAM flap

Hi everyone

I underwent a pedicle TRAM flap recon 10 days ago (four years after mx). This is where stomach muscle and fat is tunneled under the ribs to form a new breast.

I’m looking for advice on how soon I can expect to be able to walk at a normal pace! My tummy is incredibly tight (which I suppose is to be expected) but I have been told by the nurses that I should be able to walk my dogs normally and I am finding it quite difficult - I am very stiff in my tummy and walking gives me backache too. It’s almost impossible to sit up in bed from a lying down position.

Would be really useful to hear other’s experiences of recovery from a pedicle TRAM flap.

Hi Fever

Had a MX with immediate TRAM flap recon 5 years ago. 10 days is really very early to be walking at normal pace let alone walking the dogs. Very surprised that the nurses have suggested that you could! I was very tight and sore for weeks until things began to ‘give’ a little. Don’t try to sit up from lying flat, its easier and safer to roll onto your side, push up with your arms and swing your legs slowly to the floor. I still do this even now as I can still feel the scar tissue and mesh repair pull if I forget to be careful.

It really does take time to get back to normal, just take it steady and go with what feels comfortable for you.

Best Wishes Wendy

Thank you Wendy, that’s very helpful I think after today (I am very sore) I have realised I am trying to do too much too soon, so your advice is very timely. Thank you!
