Peony Tincture for Hot Flushes

Hi I suffer with all the horrendous side effects that you can get from taking Tamoxifen. I’ve tried all sorts of things to stop the hot flushes, I was offered anti- depressants and after taking just one of them was feeling suicidal so stopped almost immediately, then I went onto Clonidine which worked fine for about 6 months but I had about 10 falls in that time and put those down to the clonidine so abrutly stopped taking that. I also tried a magnet (you can buy them from boots) this worked initially but now doesnt. Supplement wise I have tried Sage which didnt work and can’t take red clover or black cohosh due to these interfering with the effeciveness of the Tamoxifen. So back at square one with horrendous hot flushes, servere joint pain in both knees and ankles, massive weight gain I’ve gone from a size 8 to 18 in just under 2 years I know its the Tamoxifen as I never put on any weight before in my life! So was chatting to my local health shop owner and she recommended Peony Tincture, has anyone heard of this before? she couldn’t sell me it as due to law and rules she’s not allowed but she did direct me to the internet where I found a company that does sell the stuff, I am waiting its delivery at the moment. The lady in the health food shop told me if Sage doesn’t work for you then Peony definately will, Peony doesn’t affect the hormones it just helps regulate your temperature so shouldn’t affect Tamoxifen. I’m 2 and a half years down the line now with Tamoxifen and ready to try almost anything to stop the hot flushes they make me feel so ill. Will keep you all posted as too its effectiveness. xxxx

Hi, I found this, hope it helps.


  • Peony may have hormonal activity. Use with caution in women with estrogen-sensitive cancers or in patients taking hormonal agents, such as birth control pills and hormone replacement therapy.


  • Peony may interact with tamoxifen, drugs that decrease blood vessel growth, drugs that dilate or relax blood vessels, drugs used in the treatment of RN, drugs with hormonal activity, drugs that affect the immune system, and drugs used to treat cancer, inflammation, viruses, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.