Period like pain and lower back pain on ovarian suppression

I’ve been on Prostap (Leuprorelin) to suppress my ovaries for 5 months, along with Tamoxifen. The last few days I’ve had dull low back pain, plus period like pain in my pelvis/lower abdomen, which feels like it’s getting worse. It’s worse when I stand for a long time. Just wondering if anyone else has experienced anything like this on ovarian suppression? I also have the BRAC2 gene mutation, which increases my risk of ovarian cancer, and I’m slightly freaking out that it could be linked to that. Contacted my team today but as I had a normal pelvic scan 4 months ago I have to go to the GP first for a consultation and they will order a scan if they think necessary. Any advice/similar experiences very welcome!

Hello. I was on prostap for a year before I had my ovaries out last week. I’ve had pretty constant bone and muscle pain in my legs - worse in one leg than the other. I also get intermittent lower back pain. I think what you’re feeling is most likely the hormone treatment - it’s pretty hard going sometimes. Remember you’re in a hard menopause! The tamoxifen will be making it even harder. The good news is it either eases off (slightly!) or you just get used to it.

Thanks that’s really helpful. Did you have your ovaries out as risk reduction? Hope you are recovering ok. I am trying to decide if/when to have mine out