Periods after chemo? Did they return and when?

Hi, Arl. Thank you for your comment. So, your period came back after 3 and a half years. Then came back, but is shorter than than normal. And then it has gone again. Maybe your body is trying to come back to normal or it might be going. I think it would be best to ask the doctor to find out whats going on. But it’s up to you. I hope everything will go well for you. Best whishes. I forgot to mention about the sergery. My worst part of the treatmet was surgery. Loosing a part of your body. I have had a single mastectommy to the left side. And removal of the lymph nodes. I haven’t had reconstruction yet. Did any one go through this stage? What type of recontruction do you think id good. Thank you.

Hi Leyla,
I’m sorry about all you are having to go through, so sad about your mum, and now you, it is all so worrying time but once you get told your treatment plan, it gets a little easier, it must be so tough too especially having young baby and other children, but I’m sure they will all get you through this horrible time in your life. I have just reached my 5yrs but still
wait on result of mammogram, I could be wrong I wish someone else would come along and answer, but don’t think tripple negative is linked to you having a baby, it’s all early days, I can’t believe now that I can talk about this, because at the very beginning was falling apart, I had to ring the breast care nurse up a few times, some of my questions looking back now, I think did I really ask or say that! I hope someone can answer this post for you, I am not that much help, I’m sorry. Please keep in touch and keep us up to date with everything.x

Hi Al,
Thank you for your lovely comment. I hope every thing goes well for all of us. See you too xx

I am 38yeas, 2 years post mastectomy and chemo for triple negative breast cancer. Touchwood, things are going good except for weakness in my follow up but past few months, my menstrual cycle is getting shorter. I am getting periods every 25 days which used to be 30-35 days previously.
Need valuable syggestions and experiences please

Hi Maherjan.
You have had the same type of cancer as i did. I bet our medication must be similar. When you said you felt weak. Do you mean like loss in energy or fatigue? Maybe herble remadies and vitamins and herble teas might help, but it would be olso good if you ask the doctor. Also regular exercise might help too. If you don"t mind me asking. When did your periods came back after treatment? I was 36 at time of treatment now 37. Almost one year and no periods. Thank you for sharing. Good luck and take care.

Hi Maharjan. Also i am wondering about reconstruction Are you thinking about this. I want to have recontruction, but i am woried at the same time. However it is good that they give plenty of time for this. Thankyou.

Hello to everyone.
I would like to share a news with you. After eleven months of no periods. I have finally have a period. It started last friday. It was very light to start with, coming stoping and now on my 4th day and more like a period now. For those who wish to have children maybe after waiting for 6 or 9 months and periods don’t come you might benifit from using herble medication like fertil aid. I have used this last few weeks just for my periods to come back i was worried of becoming menspose early. So i used it and hven’t finished the entire box yet and my periods have come back. Previously from my blood test the doctor was saying that i was menapousal but it might be temptory. How ever i never had hot flashes thank god. But even if the doctor says that you are menaposal don’t forget that there is a 2 year period of possible waiting or more to be definate for sure that you are. So i hope i gave some hope for you. Good luck.

Sorry by the way my cancer was negative to all hormones. So i dont have a problem with estrogen or the other hormones.

Hie all I guess periods differ from person to person or treatment type. I am undergoing chemo Fec-T and periods are normal every month.

I went through a meanapause post chemo and it reversed. No periods for 8 months. All meanapausal symptoms and bloods confirmed this at 32. Had first natural pregnancy earlier this year, unfort ended in miscarriage and then again in Aug, not giving up hope… I got pregnant twice naturally post chemo - praying 3rd time lucky x

Thank you for the information. I’m in my early thirties. I have no kids. I had Triple Negative Breast Cancer. It’s been 7 months since chemo. My cycles didn’t stop until chemo was over. I was having hot flashes from that shot but that has stopped. I went to see a fertility doctor about my periods & childbearing in the next year or so. I’m worried about my cycle. So I’m going to try that fertile aid. My eye lashes are still growing back & falling out so i know i have time for babies yet. But i want my cycle back.

HER2 positive with ATM mutation and 1/2 of BRCA1 mutilation, don’t ask. 

  1. Started chemo at 47

  2. Had very regular periods my whole life.

  3. 6 months of chemo, double mastectomy, radiation, 3 months of just Herceptin a 3 month break and another 3 months of Herceptin. 

  4. My period stopped from the first chemo treatment.

  5. I had no hormone therapy.

  6. 3 months after my last Herceptin treatment my period came back. It came back heavier than before but I’ve only had one at this point but a month has not passed since my last period.


Basically I have had 2 years of treatment in between surgeries etc. and my period came back at the age of 49. I will update as time goes on, BUT it gives hope to all. 


God Bless on your journey.

I had triple negative breast cancer and am in the process of reconstruction after double mastectomy. I don’t have any kids, but I have been pregnant. My sister died of malenoma right after giving birth. I truly feel any cancer and pregnancy is linked due to hormone changes and the craziness your body goes through.

Triple negative, stopped chemo in September, haven’t had a period since first chemo in April. I’m 38 and want kids. Thanks for the hope

I had breast cancer (Stage 3+) in April of 2014…I started chemo treatments as our first course of action against my breast cancer. In end of May, I had cut my hair pixie style so that it wouldn’t show as much when I started to loose my hair, for they told me it won’t take long…After first chemo treatment hair loss was imminent! My period too was the next thing to go. So 30 rounds of chemo, then surgery to remove whatever that was left of the cancer. Had a month off to recuperate then started my 33 rounds of radiations! I have been in remission from cancer for almost 2 yrs now, Official on May 15, 2017. My last treatment of radiation was in the week of May 15, 2015. I just got my period back now that I am 45yrs old. I had my kids already so I was kind of hoping to fall into pre-menopause…But then even in pre-menopause, you do get some menstrual cycles in here & there…So yes, there is hope for all you younger ones out there. Still wanting a family, just be careful, make sure you keep an eye on your hormones…Make sure your doctor knows of your previous fight with cancer & survived it!!!

Hi I just found your guys page. I just finish chemo and going through radiation. I had a question for Phoenix71. I also had triple Negative stage 3 breast cancer. I only had 8 chemo sessions. 4 of taxcol and 4 of taxcol and carbo. Know I’m doing 25 rounds of radiation plus I remove both of my breast. The reason why I ask if you had the same as me it cuz I want to make sure they are giving the best treatment. My process with my doctor has been horrible. I had been going to visit my OB doctor early Feb 2016 about a lump on my left breast and at the time I was 35. He told me there was no way I had cancer and in fact that I had lumpy breast. Anyhow time went on and I felt the lump so I keep emailing my doctor and his answer was, " women get lumps on their breast when the going to get their period." Well period never came and my lump got bigger. Finally I went to another OB and she referred me to ultra sounds and the ultra sound tech told me I had fatty tissue and to go home and put hot pad on my breast. Anyhow I didn’t listen and ask to see a breast specialist. Three weeks later (june/july) I the breast specialist did a biopsy and in matter on threes day my result were in and I had breast cancer stage 3 in my lymph nobe too. So of course I don’t trust them…

Hi could you please email me about how to cleanse after chemo please Iv just had my last round and gained 40lb ???

I was treated with tac for triple negative breast cancer in 2015 had my last period June 2015 and none after bloods in Jan 2017 confirmed that I was post menopausal. Last weekend July 2017 sore breasts, head ache and ratty, Sunday morning went to loo and hey presto blood been bleeding now for 6 days. Just had bloods done today but pretty confident that just short of 2 years that they will come back as peri menopause which I was before chemo

Hi, I’m a 32 yo single mom of two girls and came across this thread in my curiosity about my missing mensi. I had my youngest in 2016 and had been pumping breast milk so lumps weren’t a concern, nor was pain. But a sharp pain had me going straight to the doctor who attempted to dismiss it as a blocked milk duct but I  refused  to leave his office until he agreed to at least an ultra sound of my breast. A week later the day after my ultra sound the doctor called me and had me go in for mammogram, and then a biopsy immediately after. Two days later the doctor called and told me it was breast cancer. Triple negative, stage 2 so it must have developed sometime after my daughter was born. Never in my life have I ever wanted to wrong  about something but I cried for about an hour. That was in March 2017. One pinched nerve, 3 surgeries 8 chemo sessions, several  trips to the emergency, one burnt down house, two lost cats, several hotels, several infections and wigs later, my hair and nails are growing back and the only thing I was curious about was when I should expect my menstrual cycle. From what I’ve read so far it might be a couple years. I don’t mind it’s  absence though I’m glad I had my girls when I did. Despite the difficulties they made this battle worth it. So don’t let the doctor’s off the hook. No one knows your body better than you do. If you feel something is off, push for results. And no matter how grim the battle field, no obstacle is impassable. Xoxoxo to those still fighting.

Hi all,
Just came across this forum and got myself in.I was diagnosed with stage 4 BC on March 2017…my BRCA1 test also came positive…underwent chemo, bilateral mastectomy followed by radiation…was on herceptine therapy after that, knowing i had a HER2 positive type of cancer…but recently moved to PA (USA) and went to see an oncologist with a view to resume my herceptine therapy.He adviced some PET and CT scans and now he says i have, had a triple negative cancer and would want me to be on certain chemo pills and stop herceptine from now on.I feel so confused and disappointed at this point! As if more than a year long confusion and mental devastation wasn’t enough!..i had my last chemo on 29th june 2017 and started having periods again on and from feb 2018…Im so glad i found out this forum.Atleast i can talk my heart out now to people who would really understand what it all means.Also i have started having a blend of carrot, turmeric, Ginger smoothie…cut out sugar completely from my daily consumption…don’t know if they are going to help but being from India i have had always relied on herbal remedies and a sound diet rather than harsh chemicals getting the best of me…Thank you all…have a great remission!