Periods and tamoxifen

Hi ladies,
Have had all my treatments finished rads in Jan this year, still on tamoxifen and herceptin and was thrown into early menopause by chemo back in May last year I haven’t seen a period since then and to be quite honest with you thought that was the end of that (age 44), whilst walking around a craft fair today I started to experience pre period type pain and bloating in my tummy and at one point thought I was having a period, same crampy pains etc when I checked I didn’t have a period but it sure felt like it, I used to get a pre warning that I was due on with a migrane I have had two migraines in the past week and these pre menstrual symptoms today.
I thought that if I was on tamoxifen it would keep me in menopause is this the case? and if you do get your period whilst on tamoxifen does that mean the tamoxifen is not working? Any help advice would be most appreciated.
Love and light


I am a few months behind you on treatment - started rads in November, last period in December and then started tamixifen in March. My onc has told me that it is likely my periods will come back in about November, but they could be irregular. I only need to tell him if they are heavier than they were before chemo started. from the dates you started chemo, you would be at about the same stage as I will be next November.
Saying all that though, if you are concerned. give the BCN a quick call next week, just to check that it is “normal”.
It’s typical isn’t it - we get all the bad side effects of the menopause (hot flushes etc) but none of the perks.

havent been on for a long while but just having a quick look and thought i would reply to you…i had the same as you after 17month of no period after chemo and on tamox,i had cramps bloating,headache and the period…i was worried like you but i had an app coming up with oncol…he wasnt worried at all and said ok it isnt a problem it happens and could just be a one off,if it isnt then thats ok some women have periods taking tamox.been 8wks now and again i am bloated,headache so i expect i may see another period…my friend on tamox has had periods all the time and didnt see why i was worried,i just thought tamox stopped them.i am 48…i did say to my oncol should i let you know if it happens again?he said no it isnt a concern…it happens a lot.xsarahx

Hi sue and sarah,
Thanks for your replys.
Sue - Yes agree with you just typical its been bad enough going through all the treatments thought I’d seen the last of the monthly, but obviously not.
Sarah - thanks for your input I didn’t realise my periods would come back on tamoxifen, thought that was it and I was finished with the monthly’s, will phone my BCN on monday and check with her about this.
Love and light to you
sarahlousie xx

Hi Sarah Louise
I’m 49 and Ive been on Tamoxifen since last September. Ive not had a period since I had my Mirena coil removed the day after my diagnosis March 2011. When I was having my radiotherapy,in Setember/October, the doctor asked me about periods and I told her Id not had one since March, and she said if I started to bleed I had to ring the consultants secretary and they may need to give me “an injection” to stop it. So I presume they dont want me to have any more periods.
Must admit, Ive not had any " period" like symptoms. Just menopausal ones!!!
Not bothered though, if its saving my life.
Mandy xx

Hi Sarahlouise.
I’m 55. 6years clear. Surgery and Rads no chemo. 5 years tamoxifen. Still having regular periods.
Done this 3 times now.
Regards Chinook

Hi Ladies,
Just caught up on this thread thankyou mandy and chinook for posting, since starting this thread the period pain type feelings are now a distant memory and thankfully my periods did not return, much to my relief. Love to all sarahlousie xx