Tamoxifen doesnt stop or even reduce the amount of oestrogen in your body, it just stops the oestrogen sticking to cells and forming tumours. This is why lots of younger women are given zoladex alongside tamoxifen, as zoladex actually switches off the ovaries and stops the oestrogen production from them.
I think lots of women still have periods whilst on tamoxifen alone.
However, if you havent had a period since Feb and this one is very heavy, then perhaps you should speak to your bcn as I know tamoxifen can cause thickening of the womb etc which can cause bleeding.
I’ve been on tamoxifen for 2 years and 8 months now and have had very heavy and regular periods throughout that time. Before then I had very light ones as I had a mirena coil but was advised to have that removed when diagnosed with breast cancer. My consultant doesn’t think it’s a problem - he should try having them! - and says the tamoxifen will still be working but some women stop periods and others don’t. Thought it might be the one bonus of tamoxifen but I don’t even get that pleasure! By the way I’m 47 now 44 on diagnosis and haven’t had zoladex.
Take care
Shorty2 x x
44 on dx 47 now and 3 years on with Tamoxifen. Periods all over the place. Been told it is normal. I wasn’t offered Zoladex either but from the comments I have read, I am pleased I haven’t had to take it
I had no ovaries, but kept getting heavier and heavier really painful ‘periods’ until I ended up in hospital as an emergency admission. I was very grateful to the GP I saw, as she rang the hospital to impress on them how serious she felt the situation was.
Sukes, I think you, and anyone else who is concerned, need to flag this up asap. I ended up having a hysterectomy a week later. There was no cancer, but my womb had doubled in size and the blood just wouldn’t stop coming. Tamoxifen is notorious for these sorts of problems.
I was on Tamoxifen for 6 months and my period returned.We put it down to having joined the gym and getting healthy. My surgeon was alarmed on a routine checkup that as my cancer was oestrogen receptive,I should not be having them,as that meant I was secreting oestrogen. I had to have zoladex for about 3 years,I was premenapausal. I am now 47 and came off Tamox April this year. Am menapausal (and dont i know it!) i am now on Arimidex and getting a lot of joint pain.But prefer the safety.
Hi, jumping on a bit here, but I finish chemo in December then will go on hormones in Jan. as I am post meno do you think i will get arimidex, as opossed to tamoxifen. Just wondering.