periods return after tamoxifen

i had a mastectomy in sept 2004 and i had chemotherapy start in oct2004 and that was my last period. i am now 52. i started tamoxifen in may 2005 and finished a few months ago. i felt that i had gone through the menopause…had all the hot sweats and cessation of periods. my cancer was hormone related.
sent home from work a few weeks ago as i had bad stomach cramps and a discharge…went to doctors who thought it was a urine infection…however last week i seemed to have a period and i have been bleeding ever since…have got an appintment at the gynae hosp next week…obviously i have googled and it could be so many things…i just really thought i had had the menopause and this would not happen…some websites say it can’t be a period after so long but it seems like one…any suggestions xxx

Hi Gudrun

Can’t offer any advice unfortunately…my body is as mixed up as can be too!
Do you have period related cramps at all? It might be one last period, but I would not worry yourslf with what it might be, but get it checked out at gynae as you are doing…

I am 39, periods have kind of returned, had the last one three weeks ago,but all of this week, I have has a dull ache in my tummy - any ideas?
Hope you get sorted soon…

Naz x