Periods whilst on chemo?

Hi all, just wondered if anyone had experienced similar? I think my oestrogen levels are rising. For the last week I’ve had tender breasts…just like I used to for up to 2 weeks before I had my period…and…I also have a return of the normal discharge that we all get when we are ovulating! For over 4 years I had Prostap injections (works like Zoladex) to shut my ovaries down but I was advised that whilst on Xeloda I shouldn’t need them as it was unlikely I’d get a period. (I’m on the highest dose) Is this just a bit of ‘normality’ returning but not enough to actually ovulate? Concerned as I’m strongly er+…I’m 50 next year though so is it even likely I’d have my periods return? Also would being on chemo make it unable to request a blood test to check I’m officially menopausal? I’m guessing it would.

Hi Belinda, don’t know the answer to this but one thing I can tell you is that when I had my first lot of chemo (Fec) 7 years ago the hospital did a blood test to find out if my ovaries were working and they found I was post-menopausal, a month after my last period. This shows they can test you on chemo, so it might be an idea to ask.Good luck, love Jackiexxx

Hi Jackie…thanks for the reply and the very useful info! I’ll request a blood test…Belinda…x

Hi Belinda,
My periods stopped when I was on Taxotere(which finished in May)then came back in August and have been regular ever since.I’m on 5000mg a day of Xeloda and still have my period.I’m 41.

Oh thanks for that info Alli…I’m on 4,600mgs. Are you er+? Wondered if you were are they going to give you Zoladex?
Thanks for the reply, I think I read somewhere here you were having a good response to Xeloda? Hope you get a l-o-n-g time with it…Happy Christmas…Belinda…x

Hi Belinda,
No,my cancer isn’t oestrogen related and not on Zoladex.I’m HER so am on Herceptin.
I’ve had a really good response to Xeloda and all my tumours(breast,liver,lung,spine,lymphs)have shrunk a lot.I’m starting my 5th this week with 1 to go.My Onc says she only gives 6 to start with.I’m also on Zometa for my bones.
How many Xeloda have you had so far and are you staying on it?

Hope everything goes ok for you.
Best wishes for Christmas,
Alli x

Hi Alli…had bloods taken today to see if I’m menopausal or not…will get results next cycle. I’m now on my 14th cycle and will stay on it for as long as it’s still working. From talking to others on Xeloda it seems some oncs give 6-8 cycles and then you can go back to it another time…and then some oncs keep patients on it indefinitely while it’s working…I know some who’ve been on Xeloda for years. Great news you’ve had such a good response, my primary tumour has shrunk but only a little.
Love Belinda…x.x

Just brought this up again as I am still pre-menopausal! Going back on the monthly injections this week…if anyone else er+ thinks they might still be pre-meno whilst on chemo I’d really recommend you act on your insticts and request a blood test…x