Periods with Letrozole ??????

Hi everyone,
Been on letrozole for 4 months after tamoxifen for 5 years. I am age 44 Dx 2007 IDC grade 2, 1 node, 4 wle, 6 fec, 15 rads.

Been ok on Letrozole apart from a little joint pain and pins and needles. This seems to have settled down but I have quite severe hair thinning and have lost almost half of it down the plughole. I am quite upset about this but also that whilst on Tamoxifen I usually had 2-3 periods a year and it was confirmed 1 year ago that I was menopausal.

I have had 3 periods in the last 4 months, far more than is usual for me. I thought that letrozole was for post menopause so surely I should not have periods. Should I see my Onc before my planned check next February ??? Best wishes to all xxxx

Hi Andrea
Do you have a BCN that you could ring and let them know what is happening? If its of any concern they would take let your Onc know or equally put your mind at rest if its not. I feel its probably worth mentioning now though. Also, if you are anything like me, you would worry until next February and you could really do without that!
Hope everything is ok for you
Joan xx

Hi there - yes, definitely see your Onc before then. You can ring his/her secretary and ask for an appointment. Also go to your GP and see if they can do a hormone profile (blood tests) to see what’s going on. Be good if you had that in advance of any appointment although not sure if/how the letrozole would impact on any test.

All of this may be normal - I’ve no idea as I had a hysterectomy but you need some proper reassurance and advice from people who have the expertise in this.

Elinda xx