

Looks like my periods have been put on hold. Was due on Friday but nothing yet.

What are other peoples experiences on this. Have people stopped completely whilst on chemo or just become irregular. To let you know I am on zolodex injection to put on ovaries to sleep to stop the chemo attacking them.

Chrissie x

I was put into an early menopause at the age of 40 when I had chemo and have been clear of periods for the last 13 years but, out of the blue last week I had a period! What a bummer!!! Anyway, I’m having an ultrasound just to check it out but thought I was now free of them!

I think it depends on the chemo and some people whose periods stop during chemo find that they restart once chemo has finished.


Hi Chrissie

I think it was about half way thro chemo mine stopped and its now been 20 weeks since I had one - think I willl get gp to check bloods at next appointment to see if I am in menopause or not - I’m 39!! Whilst not missing the periods I am having hot flushes!!


Hi i’m 29 and finished chemo treatment last august ish aged 28.
My periods continued very very lightly throughout chemo. I am now on Tamoxifen and they have returned pretty much on time every month with avengeance.
Every body is different

Just thought I would add - my bc nurse said the closer to the natural menopause you are the less unlikely they are to come back - my mum was early 40s when she went into natural menopause so maybe thats it for me!!


When I was on chemo in 2003 my periods stopped half way through. They returned exactly a year after I finished chemo. I was 44 at the time, and really had hoped that they weren’t going to come back!


My periods stopped immediately i started EC but i am now on taxotere and have signs of them returning ( i am 42) . Anyone have a return while on chemo?