Peritoneal Mets

Is there anyone else out there with mets to peritoneum, omemtum and ovaries?

Hello Penswift

I’m sorry I can’t help but hopefully someone will see your post & respond. I just wanted to let you know someone was thinking of you.


I have spread to right ovary, endometrial lining and extensive bone mets. Do you have Invasive Lobular BC? I believe this type of spread is more common with ILBC.


Hello … I have invasive lobular cancer which had spread to my pelvis, upper spine and my peritoneal area. They found the spread after my R Mx…at that stage they also found my other breast was affected as well.

i have not had chemo or rads…the Onc put me on to LETROZOLE last November. After my last scan about six weeks ago they have found no more spread, bone mets improved and the shadows in my peritoneal area are -“almost completely resolved”. Very encouraging. Hope things aren’t too bad for you.

Hi, I was diagnosed with ILC in February 2011, I had chemo first to shrink tumour which did not have that much effect had 8 cycles.  Had Mx in August 11 then rads. Recently diagnosed with mets in liver and peritoneal area now on E and E combo, only been on it a week and no serious side sffects yet. Got app at Sutton Marsden on tuesday




I have just read the threads about peritoneal mets, having only registered for this website yesterday (29th January 2016).  Up until now I have not found anything else about peritoneal mets, except some old posts on what I think is an American site.  I was originally diagnosed with breast cancer in 1995.  I believe it was ductile cancer in situ, but I can’t be certain of this.  I had a lumpectomy followed by radiotherapy to my scar, neck and under-arm.  I did not have lymph nodes removed, although some time later I read that this was best practice.  I had a six-month course of what was described as “mild” chemotherapy, in tablet form, one drug being methotrexate, and two other drugs.  I then took Tamoxifen for 5 years.  I had a bone scan which was OK.  I was discharged about 6 or 7 years later, having mammograms on the national 3-year call up, which were all negative.  


Last February I was feeling very poorly with sickness, lack of appetite and cramps.  I eventually got into hospital via A & E and CT scans showed a blockage of my bowel and a large pulmonary embolism.  I had to have an ileostomy.  This was 20 years after the primary.  Biopsy results revealed that the blockage was caused by secondary breast cancer in the peritoneum and the pulmonary embolism was also probably caused by the cancer.   Since then I have had a course of chemotherapy, (six sessions).  I am unclear as to whether this has been successful.  The last scan in August showed no spread of the disease and my vital organs were OK.  However, there were some irregularities in my bones.  A bone scan in October revealed cancer in my bones but I was told that this had already been there and the chemotherapy had made it visible.  I’m not clear how.  Since the chemo I have been on Anastozole tablets, also Warfarin to prevent another PE and am now on Denusonab (?) a bone strengthening drug, injected once a month, and calcium/vitamin D tablets.  


I had a CT scan a couple of weeks ago, but have to wait for the results until my next appointment in a couple of weeks, which is very stressful.


Having said all this, I feel well with no symptoms from the bones, although I hate,hate, hate the ileostomy.  I don’t feel ill and I suppose I should feel lucky that I survived for 20 years before cancer reared its ugly head once again, but I don’t!


My sympathies go to everyone else with this type of secondary, and indeed, any other kind of secondary cancer.


Hi.original mx chemo radiotherapy returned in bones and peritoneal.I had capecitabine and demusamab .on scans peritoneal had gone…markers went up a bit .onc put me on letrozole which didn’t work so now got peritoneal back and liver Mets.treatment docetaxol halfway thru and had scan last nite.dont get results for two weeks.hope it works for me…x❤