Persistant cough

Hi there
Haven’t posted for a while but been keeping in touch with site. Had bone secondaries diag. 2 years ago at 41 and am on hormonal treatment (Faslodex) which at last scan seems to be keeping things stable.
Have now had cough for 4 weeks - been to GP who prescribed antibiotics but they haven’t shifted it - waiting to speak to oncologist Monday. GP says its unlikely to be connected to BC as its a"productive cough" - i.e. coughing up phlegm! - Just wondered whether anyone has any experience to share.
many thanks

No personal experience to share Smartie, but there do seem to have been some unpleasant cough germs around that are taking several weeks to clear up - so fingers crossed for you.


Hi Smartie
I too have had a cough for more than 6 weeks. Had 2 lots of antibiotics and hasn’t moved.I was also coughing phlegm up too.
I was sent for a chest x ray a week last thursday, and haven’t heard anything yet, so can’t be anything serious (fingers crossed).

I also sound like I am losing my voice and have a sore throat, but I haven’t.

I must admit it had crossed my mind, had the cancer spread.

I am at the hospital on wednesday for my next zoladex injection, so I might ask the Onc for his thoughts.

I am just sick of the headaches from all the coughing!!!

Anyway,take care


Thanks for comments - and hope all goes well Angie - fingers crossed for you.
Smartie x

Smartie, Please do get this checked out. I had a cold and then developed post nasal drip with a cough that didn’t go away. I went to the dr and he gave me an antibiotic and nothing changed;. So I didn’t go back and self dx myself as developing allergies. This was in the fall of 2004. I very slowly got worse. More post nasal drip and more coughing with phlegm. Decided it was Spring then Summer with all kinds of pollen floating around. I even had so much phlegm that about once a day I would vomit until I got rid of it. I then started to wheeze and was short of breath. My cough was only during the day and they say you usually cough at night with mets.Hmmmm not the case for me. Now it was Fall of 2005 and I finally decided that this might not be allergies. I went to the dr who dx pneumoina, who said he didn’t think it was mets. After two rounds of antibiotics and no better my hubby made me call my oncolgist. My oncologist brought me in and walked next door to the hospital ot look at my exrays himself. He came back and said he thought I had mets. Followed through with a CT and lung biopsy. Yes, it was mets. I don’t want to scare you!! I just want you to get completely checked out until you’re satisfied. Funnyface

Thanks Funny face - I am going to see onc Wednesday and get chest xray - just to be sure!