I was diagnosed with breast cancer in March and have gone through the op and the rads and have come out the other side fit and well. Through all this I only ever had 2 weeks off work as my employer only pays for 4 weeks sick leave. But I was one of the lucky ones who could go to work and appreciate there are those who cannot. I had the above poilcy with one company and never made any claims. They have now cancelled the policy (they can). So now I have no cover and when I called a broker and gave him the details he called me back and said he could not get me insured. Has anyone out there been able to get this type of insurance (income protection) with a bc as medical history.
Is it only me then that has had a problem with this type of insurance??
Hi Embee
Did you make a claim on the above policy. If so once you have made a claim then I understand that ends the policy. Unfortunately insurance companies only want to insure people healthy so they can rake in the money and not make any payments. Breast cancer, and indeed all other cancers, are unpredictable and so they view anyone who has suffered from cancer as a risk. A work colleague suffered from leukeamia a few years ago and after they received their payout the policy was cancelled. For your information I was insured with the Well Woman plan (female organ cancers only ) which has paid out £16000 to me. I understand that I am no longer insured for breast cancer recurrence or even a new primary - however as it covers all the female organs I am still covered in case I am unfortunate enough to get ovarian, uterus, cervical cancer etc. Well Woman would accept you for all your other female organs but not the breast. Hope this helps
Hi - I haven’t tried to get it since my dx.
I tried previously but not sorted to my liking because the premiums were so heavily loaded just because I had a heart valve problem ( no treatment ever required apart from antibiotics when at the dentist or having invasive surgery!). It appears they only want you if you are A1! Typical of all insurance I’ve found. My business insurance company advised last week it wouldn’t be worth taking out as they would exclude anything cancer related aswell. Good luck with your hunt.
Thanks KatieF. I have found the same with one company and they wanted up front full payment of the premium. Makes you feel like an outcast.
Good luck with your search
Thanks Vicky for your comments. I had not made any claims at all. Not even with the BC as it only covered time off wotk and I was only off for two weeks. Will try Well Woman and see what they say. It does not bother me that they exclude bc but I just want to be covered incase I get knocked down or break a leg or something like that.
Thanks again and keep well