Petrified aged 32

Thank you so much everyone for all the support over the past week I have had my ultrasound and it was swollen glandular breast tissue that had formed a lump so nothing at all to worry about! I had a follow up with the consultant who said that he was happy not to see me after today as everything’s fine but that it might be an idea to think about genetic testing due to the string family history!
Il stick around as the support on here is great and I always have questions due to my mums diagnosis!
If it hadn’t been for all the support I would have gone crazy!
Sorry to hijack your thread Faye and il continue to think of you in readiness for your appt next week. Keep strong Hun xx

FANTASTIC news again. !! Wow that has put a big fat smile on my face again I am so pleased for you and know that you must be over the moon.
Just got to keep everything crossed for Faye next week.
Lots of love to you . Well done for getting through it all. Tracy xxx

Congratulations Mhaggar and Char on your negative results! Phew! Lovely to hear good news again.

Still keeping fingers crossed for Faye for next week.

Whoop whoop! :smiley: Fab news for you both. So pleased. x

Hi Mummyto2, I don’t know if how I coped will help everyone but I think it helped me so I’ll share. I found my lump in April after hearing someone I used to know was dying from breast cancer. I wasn’t too worried about the lump alone so didn’t call the doctor straight away - I had a lump as a teenager and have lumpy sore breasts usually anyway. However, a few days later I noticed a slight dimpling around the nipple when I pulled the skin to one side and this made me think it probably was cancer. I called the doctor that day but had to wait around a week for an appointment.

I got a locum GP who put me on an emergency referral which means you are supposed to be seen within two weeks. She gave me a U5 cancer diagnosis from examining me in order to get the swift hospital referral but explained that didn’t mean I definitely had cancer, she just wanted me seen quickly. I ended up having to wait two and a half weeks for the hospital appointment. In that time I tried to think how best to cope if it was confirmed as cancer. I didn’t know about lumpectomies so assumed I would lose my breast, so I thought about tattoes I might get, or whether I’d want a ‘fake’ breast - I know this sounds OTT just based on having a lump but it gave me something practical to focus on if the ‘worst’ should happen, and made me realise I would find ways to deal with it. I also thought about headwear vs wigs etc.

My appointment started with a mammogram. It didn’t show anything up and even in the ultrasound they couldn’t really see anything, but there was a palpable lump that I showed the lady doing the ultrasound and she took several core needle biopsies. She couldn’t even see any of my lymphs nodes so they didn’t take any samples from there. I was still convinced there was a high chance it was cancer but the consultant downgraded me to a U3 (probably benign) diagnosis and told me they would get back to me in a couple of weeks.

I was called within the week to go back for the results which made me think they had maybe found something. At the hospital my results appointment was delayed by an hour (the longest hour ever), and as soon as I walked into the room I knew I was going to be told I had cancer. My husband fell apart, but because I was half expecting it I was strangely calm. I really think taking my mind to “what if the worst is true” and thinking how to cope with that helped a great deal.

I haven’t had to cope with a sibling having terminal cancer so I can only begin to imagine how hard that must be. However, I would say that cancer is a broad term for what is actually many different diseases. Primary breast cancer is very different to, and has quite a different prognosis from, secondary liver cancer. I hope you get good news, but if I were you I’d also be boosting myself mentally to deal with bad news. It isn’t what we would choose but it really isn’t the end of the world.

All the best,

Nicola x

Char that is fantastic news, I’m so so pleased for you really I am. What a relief it must feel!!!
Nicola, thank you for your advice, Ito be honest I have kind of prepared myself for the worst because then I think anything else is a bonus.
So 2 out of 3 of us have got the all clear…1 in 3 get cancer… :confused: lets hope those stats don’t apply in this situation.
I wish my app was tomorrow and not next week, it’s driving me mental.
thanks again everyone xxx