Starting chemo next week & nurse told me I need to buy some Ph neutral shampoo as im using cold cap to try & preserve some hair, trouble is i can’t find any, sent ages looking up & down the shop shelves to no avail. Can anyone tell me what makes of shampoo are ph neutral, the nurse told me not to use baby shampoo. Cheers x
Simple Shampoo and Simple Conditioner is what I was told to use with cold cap.
Hi Hjv, simple shampoo was what I was advised, I’ve used that and Aussie conditioner, can get them both anywhere
Good luck with start of chemo xx
oh thanks, didn’t think about the Simple range, doh! I’ll have a look,cheers. Did the cold cap work, i know it doesn’t for a fair few people.
It didn’t work for me unfortunately, started coming out in handfuls 3 weeks after my first EC.
I’ve known people who’ve used it and had success, I know people who never used it who still have their hair. It’s all very random.
I think it’s worth trying though, if it’s going to come out it’ll probably happen fairly soon.
One thing you do learn is that nothing is predictable at all.
Even if any of us got this back again in years time, and have exactly the same regime, doesn’t mean we’ll get the same SEs/ lose hair etc. It’s really weird like that.
yes thats true, i think i’ll just give it a go & if it doesn’t work then i’ll still have a wig as back up. Thought i might as well try it, my hair grows really, really quickly usually so hopefully it’ll be like that after chemo finishes, here’s hoping.
Hi,did the cold cap and used panetene ,think you’ve just got to be gentle with you’re hair,didn’t lose my hair ,hope it works for you .