PHEW…ONLY 99999 MORE TO GO! Hi Girls

I went for my second visit yesterday (1st for my surgeon) and I was nearly having kittens!!!

I had got myself all worked up, during the night I was again having to have chemo, I went through every situation in my head. At work I was nearly sick, (can you imagine, how silly is that) although I didnt tell anyone how I was feeling.

Just going into the building was bad, and my whole body felt as if I just wanted to run. After all that she said that I was looking really well and that they were really pleased at my progress. I had had a bone scan a few weeks before and I thought that I was going to have to have tablets…the funny thing was that if they had mentioned this before the dreaded bc that I could end up on the floor in a heap of bone I would have been upset…not now…I couldnt care less!!

So only another thousand or so visits to go, by the time they discharge me (hopefully) I should be 8 stone wet through with all the nerves kicking in!! (Oh yes …every cloud has a silver lining!!!)
Have a good day girls.

Love Debbie x

Hi Debbie.

I’m so sorry that these follow up appointments are getting you wound up and feeling sick. How awful for you.

I’m still having treatment ( rads) but as each stage of this journey approaches I have tried to prepare myself in advance so that I might be better able to cope.

I might be as nervous as you when the time comes for me to go on these follow up visits. I don’t know !

I have found, through recommendation by someone on these forums, an article which has been helpful to me. I have printed a copy and I intend to have my family read it too.

On Google search for " The Cancer Councelling Trust After treatment finishes-- Then What ? " It’s an article by Dr Peter Harvey a consultant clinical psychologist who specialises in cancer patients.

It has some helpful insights into the recovery process. It may reduce your anxiety levels.

Hope this helps
