Though it was about time I changed my picture, as the long hair is a thing of the past, and I wanted to show off my beautiful little grandaughter (who is now four weeks old). Please excuse my exhausted appearance, I was on strong pain killers for a compressed nerve in my neck, and was very zombified.
Congratulations. Is it your first grandchild? It is such a wonderful feeling being a Grandmother, I am not sure I felt such love for my own children, or perhaps you just forget. Enjoy all the stages of development.
Good morning,
What a beautiful picture of you both,many congratulations it is a wonderful being a Nana,you have made my day x
congratulations on the birth of your grandaughter,a loveley picture of a proud grandma with her beautiful grandaughter.
Many congratulations! A proud grandma indeed! Lovely picture, hope you can get the pain managed soon. xx
Lovely, lovely picture, have lots of fun together.
My daughter gave me a picture frame when my grandaughter was born, on the frame it says:
A Grandmother is the link to the past and the bridge to the future
She is the long stem rose of life
Her ultimate reward is her child’s child
A Grandmother makes life sweet
A Grandmother’s love is unconditional
Made me cry but happy tears xx
Beautiful picture of you both, she is a real cutie. Grandchildren really do bring us such love and joy. Do hope your pain is under control now, I am not sleeping at the moment, thought I was coping quite well up till now, but sometimes it all seems to get too much.
Take care
Marina x
Aw lovely photo LG!
Hope she brings you lots of joy and that you will be around for a very long time to share your wit and wisdom.
What a lovely picture, you must be so proud of her! Enjoy lots and lots of cuddles, they make everything else so much better. xx
Such a beautiful picture, congratulations on becoming a grandmother, sending you lots of healing vibes for the pain, you both look so contented.
Love and light to you both
That is lovely, thank you for sharing
Aw lovely
Gorgeous, both of you.
It’s not until you have one yourself that you appreciate the joy they bring Lemongrove, especially if like me you never thought you would be there for them. Let’s hope we have many years to enjoy them around.
Hugs to both.
Sadie Xx Xx
what an absolutely gorgeous picture and a real story of hope and inspiration for me too.
I am currently awaiting news from the hospital for IVF treatment and my MIL was dx with SBC in her right lung last week which they can not operate on and i have been devestated by the thought of her not being here so we can have a picture forever like yours if and when i finally have a baby.
For the past 4 years of me trying to concieve she has been my rock and now its time for me to be hers and hope and pray things work out.
Once again congratulations to you and your family
Lou x
What a lovely picture !
You look so right together.
My first grandchild is due in about 3 weeks, can’t wait!
Loulu711, my daughter had IVF after trying for 6 years, on her 2nd attempt they were successful ,I really hope you find they can help you too.
She is absolutely beautiful xx
They really do fill a space in your heart that you didnt know was empty.I have 9 now [3 ‘blood’ and 6 steps]and I cant begin to quantify the joy they have brought.
May you have many years to enjoy her
Thank you Jean for your comments, I hope im successful soon for both my childs sake and to give my MIL that same happyness all grandparents feel.
Its funny how many things in life you think you have lots of time to do and then suddenly something terrible like this happens and you realise how precious time is.
I have been with her son for 12 years now and we have never got round to setting a date for a wedding although we have been engaged for 5 years!!! Now all of a sudden hes thinking about this summer just incase.
All these what ifs are horrible but must be thought of if you want to share those precious moments with with ones you love.
A huge congratulations to you too for your extremly close arrival of joy and look forward to seeing your profile picture update too
take care
Lou x