Pink Card

I have seen a couple of people mention the “pink card”. Is this is a card that explains that I have BC? that would be handy to show in appropriate situations? If so where can I get this from please?

Thank you


As far as I know there is no official “pink card”, but my hospital did give me a “chemo card” which I was supposed to show if I ever had any medical treatment so the docs would know what I was taking and what the side effects might be.

When people refer to the pink card I believe they mean it in an ironic way. For instance, tomorrow I’m going to an art gallery and I’ll get free entry by showing proof of my disability benefits. Thus, by “waving the Pink Card” I can sometimes get discounts or special consideration.

Actually, some kind of official ID card would be helpful on occasions. I have to carry round my DLA award letter and it’s all wrinkled and dog-eared! A pocket sized laminated card would be most useful. It could even have a photo on it to limit the opportunities for fraud.

Thanks, I had seen it used ironically but then the context I saw it on another thread I thought it looked like reality! I am going to make my own, how cool would that be, to hand it over and shut people up, HA!