
Oh, Tess I am sorry to hear your friend, Carol, has died. I remember her name and some of her posts.
Lots of thoughts to her family and other friends.
I know we know in our heads that we will die from cancer,but it is still such a shock when we hear of a life ending prematurely
Ena x

I remember pinkdove’s wise and supportive posts. Look after yourself Tess, at this sad time, and please pass on my condolences to her family and other friends.

Rest in peace Pinkdove. My thoughts are with your family and friends.

My thoughts are with your family and friends.



Hi Tess, I’m sorry to hear that you’ve lost your lovely friend.

My deepest sympathies for Pinkdove’s family and friends. May she rest in peace.

So sorry to hear about Pinkdove, another sad loss. I didn’t know her but had read her posts last year. Thinking of her family and friends, including you Tess.
Nicky x

Rest in peace Pink Dove, x

Really sorry to hear this , thinking of her family and friends at this sad time

So sorry to hear of her death. I got a lot from her postings.
My thoughts and prayers are with all her family and friends.

Rosdubh xx

Sorry to hear that sad news that another lovely lady has lost her fight with BC.
R.I.P. Pinkdove and love to her family.

Sunnybear Xx

So sorry to hear about Pinkdove I remember reading her posts.Love and thoughts are with her family and friends.

So sorry to hear about Pinkdove. I remember her writing to me when Lisa was so ill at the end. My thoughts are with her family and friends. My heart sinks when I hear of yet another death.
Love Sue

So sorry to hear this sad news. My thoughts and prayers are with Carol’s family.

Have been away so only just caught up with this news - so sad. I met Carol Feb last year at a BCC discussion group about employment and found her such a lovely lady - just as you would imagine from her posts. She will be much missed I’m sure.

Take care of yourself, Tess.


I am so sadden to hear of another sad loss
My thoughts & prayers go to all her family and friends
and to those she has inspired

Very sad news. Pinkdove made many valuable contributions to the genetics forum and I shall miss her posts. Sleep tight xx

Such sad sad news. Yet another tragic loss, its heartbreaking. Sincere condolances to pinkdoves family and friends,

R.I.P pinkdove, goodnight and godbless xxx


My condolences to Pinkdoves family and friends xx

In the arms of the angels may she RIP, bless her.

So sorry to hear this sad news. I didn’t know Pinkdove but remember seeing her posts. My thoughts are with her family and friends.