

Saw on other thread that you are in Cambridgeshire, whereabouts are you? Do you go to Addenbrookes? I live in Willingham (Fen edge).


Hi Jenny

I’m in Peterborough and went to Addenbrookes for my radiotherapy. I’ve been to Willingham (I think) isn’t there a Persian carpet place there or maybe I’m totally in the wrong place!

When I was first diagnosed I was under Charles Wilson who used to come over to Peterborough on a Wednesday but I think he’s still based at Addenbrookes.


Hi again,

Yes, there is a Persian carpet place in the village, and Dr Wilson is my oncologist. My (landscape gardener) partner did his garden so he knew who we were before I had chance to meet him ‘professionally’. I really like him.

Maybe our paths will cross at some point and we will meet. I remember you from the secondary task force event a few months back.


Hi Pinkdove

Im just up the road from you in Spalding but I am having my treatment at Boston. You are the first person I have seen on this site that is quite local to me.



Hi Jenny and Karen

Jenny - I like Charles Wilson as well although I haven’t seen him for a number of years because we now have our own oncologists here although Karen McAdam (my onc) is at Addenbrookes on a Thursday. She’s brilliant and I feel very lucky to have her as my oncologist.

Dr Wilson is the same age as me and I remember him telling me years ago that when I got to my 5 years with primary he looked forward to signing me off. It never happened though as I’ve always been high risk due to family history so have always been kept as an active patient. Isn’t it weird how paths cross?! We went to the carpet place as we were looking for a specific carpet but didn’t find it there. Would be nice to get together sometime. We’ve started an informal group of us who have secondaries (meet at a local restaurant) which is by invitation only! We all feel that we need to be careful that we don’t have people who will drag us down but also that we are all there for each other when we’re having an off day as well. I think we’re all like minded people and that’s why it works.

Pity we didn’t know that we lived near each other at the Secondary event otherwise we could have had a talk. It would have been lovely to have spent time either before or after the event just talking to other people but we didn’t really have a chance.

Karen - we’ve got a support group here (and website). I set it up 10 years ago and we have a good turnout each month and have made a lot of very close friends through it.
