
Hi , can anyone advise I’ve had secondary breast cancer for a few years and was able to have pip and now it needs renewing , I did get it at higher level , and now breast care nurse says my oncologist won’t sanction the ds1500 as I’ve been stable for a while ! I’m not working now and am panicking as I do rely on that money as anyone else had the same ? 
thankyou Helen

Hi Helen_12

I hope you are well today.

There are a few resources you can ask for support with this issue:

Sending you our warmest wishes


Hi Helen,

I have never asked my Onc for the DS1500 form and always complete the PIP form myself. I’ve not had a problem with it being claimed or at my first renewal.  As long as you fill out the form with a good explanation of how you are affected for each category, you can make a successful renewal claim.  Obviously you need to send in copies of your most recent scans / reports to back up what you are saying in your form.  You are still entitled to PIP but what might change is the weekly rate they pay you.  I think you can ask MacMillan for assistance with filling out the form.  Ask your BCN to see if she can refer you to anyone that can help with it.  Best wishes xx

Just saw this post on PIP, and was interested as I am recently diagnosed with bone mets in right hip, my mobility is greatly reduced to extent on 2 occasions in last 4 weeks we have been unable to get me upstairs to bed due to pain/immobility and have had to sleep on sofa!  Phoned Macmillan today and they weren’t totally convinced I would get PIP. My husband, who is self employed, has been unable to work for last month as I am just not mobile enough most of time to be left alone. I’m getting full hip replacement (plus more) with minimum 12 weeks recovery soon to try to increase my mobility. 
Is it really worth even trying to claim this?? How bad do you have to be? I’m totally furious I have worked all my life and can’t understand why I don’t seem to be able to get some financial assistance in my hour of need,