Planning session - deod? moisturiser?

I’ve got my planning session on 25th Feb. I just wondered if it’s ok to use deod for the planning session. I think I’d read somewhere that you can’t wear deod whilst they’re doing the actual treatment. Is it the aluminium in deod that they don’t like? So, if no deod allowed, would it be ok to use something like baby wipes to freshen up? Also, is it ok to use moisturiser before the planning session? My reconstruction surgeon has me slapping on Vit E cream every day.

Thanks in advance if anyone knows the answers!


Hi Nicola

There are two issues here regarding deodorants.

Firstly some people believe that the aluminum in deodorants can cause cancer so I’ve stopped using anything with aluminum in it.

Secondly whilst having treatment you are not supposed to wear deodorant. However the hospital did tell me I could use a particular aloe vera one but I am however using pitrock which is a crytal stick which seems to work well. I’ve used it all through rads.

Regarding moisturising, I was given a couple of tubes of aqueous cream to use before and during rads 3 times a day. I was told not to use anything else and certainly nothing perfumed so I bought simple soap to use in the shower. The area being treated can become very red and sore so I was also told to be very careful with that area and to pat dry after bath/shower.

Best wishes


Hi Nicola
There is no problem for the planning with deodorant or moisturiser. It is anything perfumed they tell you to not to use as it can cause sensitivity. Ask when you go for the planning what you can use, everyone seems to recommend aqueous cream. I have been plastering it on as I start the rads on Monday. You say you have had a recon., what type? I have had LD without implant and my surgeon says it should be OK with the rads. I hope so, that is my main worry.
Good luck

Hi Nicola

One thing they did tell me to do was to take along the deodorant I was planning on using to show to the radiographers to approve. I was using the PitRok spray, the one with the black label doesn’t smell of anything and works for me. I used it during rads and had no problems.

As Ruby says, they told me to liberally apply aqueous cream to the area due to be treated so I only used that in the rads area, and Aloe Vera Lotion on the rest of my body.

Hope this helps.

Cecelia. x

Thanks for the help.

Ruby - you reminded me I’ve still got some unused Simple soaps from when the mx was done so I’ll dig those out.

Abismum - I’ve got tissue expanders in place (with metal ports). The tumour turned out to be much bigger and closer to the chest wall than they had previously thought so it wasn’t originally envisaged that I would need rads. Anyway, I’ve resigned myself to the fact that the rads may well cause problems with the reconstruction but hey ho it’s more important to get fully zapped if that’s what’s needed.

Cecelia - I shall inspect my current deods and see if I’ve got any without aluminium in. It’s a good idea to take them in. I did try that crystal stick (one from Holland and Barrett) after my mx but it didn’t seem to do very much for me! I haven’t tried the PitRok one though so will have a look at that, thanks.

I’ve used Crystal Spring deo since surgery up to radiotherapy, just not during the time on treatment. Works OK, has no metallic stuff in it. One stick has lasted me since August. Got it at Holland and Barrett.