Please Bring Back The Latest Posts!

I don’t know about other people but I am finding that I’m using the BCC forums less and less since the new forum was launched  , ( that’s probably not a bad thing) through I’m still going through treatments, and have just had  further surgery  on Monday, If I’m honest I just can’t be bothered to trawl through every category trying to search out all the different latest posts which use to be very easy to find.  Its just too much like hard work, and for me personally I  feel the community spirit as it was has  gone, I don’t think I’ve even seen any posts from previous forum members I’ve come to know over the yrs, as I really don’t want to go searching through every category so really don’t know anymore how everyone is doing,I keep up with  a lot of  people on facebook ,or privately  which means I can keep in touch with some members , but  facebook is  really not the same .

For me Its just not the same anymore (sorry) but  probably its a  good  time for me to move on anyway .  




Hi L, :smileyhappy: yes I agree with you. It seems a good time for me to leave too. Being stage 4 I didn’t want to still be posting here when I’m really poorly so it’s nice to leave now. A large number of secondary members have moved away and are now part of a facebook group. I’ve never wanted to join Facebook but thankfully I know it’s there if ever I change my mind.

I agree with you about the community spirit being lost. We are now stuck in seperate little boxes but, just  like life, posts often apply or stray into more than one box at a time. The place to pick up such posts was latest posts. 

When it worked as it should you could scroll down all the posts for the day in a couple of minutes .

But unless you are prepared to spend lots more time here visiting all the other boxes you’re very restricted.

Before the website changes I’d picked up about your ongoing treatment L, I hope all goes well for you. Take Care…x

Belinda and Cornishgirl, I will be very sorry to see you go.  Both of you have posted many times with support and advice for those of use with mets, especially for those recently diagnosed with the “double whammy” or a recurrence.


Yes, Facebook exists, but there is no way that I will EVER use Facebook or any social networking site.  I’m staying with the BCC forums for as long as I can use a computer.


BCC … especially those who are PAID to be supporting those of us with metastatic/secondary breast cancer - for you it’s just a job, which you can leave if you wish:  for us, metastatic secondary breast cancer IS FOR LIFE.  I hope someone will take notice of this thread and DO SOMETHING about it.

I agre with you ladies - scrolling through the latest posts one often came across a comment that perhaps didn’t quite ‘fit’ into the the catogeries one would normally look at but was interesting/useful or more importantly one that required a quick  reply.  The new set up is just to much faffing around - I will still pop in occassionally but thats all.  Good luck those of you who are leaving for good it has been an honour knowing you. 


Well done KittieKat! :slight_smile: Search link now added to my Favourites (I do not use any bookmarking or subscribing that are offered in this Forum)

BCC should employ you! :cattongue: (I couldn’t find an emoticon for “LOL” )


All you need to do now, BCC, is be honest with us and tell us what % of the Forum testers asked for Latest Posts to be removed.  Some honesty here would be appreciated by those of us who have chosen to remain.

Dear All

We have been following all the feedback comments regarding the new forum and are collecting all the various points of view both post and pre launch.  The research into the new forum started back in November 2012 with over 900 different people participating through various ways including, online survey, telephone interviews, face to face testing and the last stage of online testing. 

This is an extract from the online survey results document which had over 900 particpants

Similarities in user frustrations across different types of

breast cancer

Across type of cancer, users find the following aspects of the

forum most frustrating:

  • Keeping track of discussions;

  • Navigating through the latest posts;

  • Finding a particular thread;

  • Finding the right topic.

We will be reviewing all the feedback to the forum and looking at any changes that need to be made whilst also taking into consideration cost implications for redesign, technical development and testing.  In the meantime, a trial is suggested of a separate URL link to the latest activity per thread.

We will add this to the featured threads on the front page and monitor feedback and usage.

The development of the new forum has not been undertaken lightly and with input and feedback from hundreds of different users.  We are listening to and hearing all that is being said both on line and from privately shared feedback.  We are committed to providing the best service we are able.

Best wishes


Thanks for your response, Anna. :slight_smile:


900 participants!  And how many different users have posted on the new forum since it was launched? 

Thank you Anna (and Helen) I just looked at it and it looks great.


Jjust one quick query, how often doe sit refresh as the most recnet post listed is from 02:34 this morning (about bone and tooth pain).  At least it is on Firefox 23 with Windows 7!  Ah - just double chekced - I think the link should be (i.e without the /thread) as this is properly up-to-date


My only real query is, how many people will spot Helen’s post and go and check it out?   It could be a self-fulfilling prophecy that people don’t want it  if they dn;t know it’s available.  Is there any way of making it a bit more visible on the front page?

Hi, I think :smileyembarrassed: I understand the new Latest posts thread but will it be pasted in all the boxes?

Thanks anyway I think it’s helpful.

Love having latest posts back:smileyhappy:, really missed them, have bookmarked and now use all the time, thank you techies, hopefully will be permanent xx

Like others I now have this bookmarked and am using it as my main ‘way in’ for browsing.  Thank you for the trial, which seems a really good way to gauge use of this facility.


I just wonder, if it is made permanent, if it might be possible to tweak the underlying software so that it it only shows one entry per thread (as was the case on the last two versions of the forum) otherwise busy threads can still obscure the overall result and lead to things getting missed.


Just baked some blueberry muffins, so dropping a few virtual ones outside the door to the techies cupboard and the mods desk :catwink:



It’s a small point, but RevCat’s link seems to work better than the one posted at the front of the forum - it shows more recent posts.  So I am using that and my usage will not show up in the trial.  


If others are doing the same, then the trial will be flawed.  I think this is exactly the problem - the level of moaning about latest posts was never about it’s existence, but just the way it worked.  We all like it so much that we use it all the time and then we moan about how it doesn’t work quite right.  There wouldn’t be many complaints if it were an irrelevance that we didn’t use or care about.


Keep tweaking BCC.  Better to have people complaining than not bothering. 



Just checked and my post below has not yet come up in the linked latest posts.  There are actually more than 2 pages of posts accessible by RevCat’s link that are not viewed via the forum link. 

Aha!  Just worked it out!  The latest posts link you have posted doesn’t show the latest posts.  It shows the first post in each thread, then you have to look across to the last column see if it has been posted on lately.   I know I have chemo brain, but I am not sure this is a very intuitive way to do it.


Any chance of changing it?



Was just trying to find the Latest Posts Link in “Featured Threads” but it doesn’t seem to be listed there anymore, does anyone  know if its been moved   as I cannot find it anywhere on the  page . Thanks  x

I have just come back onhere for the first time in a couple of months as I couldn’t find my way anywhere at all with this new forum. Today I actually did, after hunting around for about 5 minutes, chance upon the link to latest posts, so in a sense that worked. However, it wasn’t easy to find.   Ever since the old forum went away  I have struggled  - and I’m generally pretty good with finding my way about the internet. I also mainly go on facebook now, but its NOT the same of course , and it was BCC that kept me going for several years after my second dx in 2008. However, I am now getting a sense that there is a will to sort this out, so I’m going to try to come on a bit more often. 

Even harder to find on the mobile site! Harder to bookmark too - but on the positives there actually IS a mobile site !!!

I agree! It’s great to have Latest Posts back as it’s the best way of keeping up and seeing what’s  going on. I know that logically it makes sense to put it in the  section at bottom of page(can´t remember what it’s called) BUT it is not obvious enough to most of us and is too hard to find,can it not be put  somewhere more visible .

I have been using the site less since all the changes but am trying to use it more regularly as it was such a help to me and I want other women to continue to benefit in the way I did. Keep listening BBC.

why do we see all the comments on the latest post thread - we used to just see the most recent one - go to that topic an then see the whole dialogue.  it isn’t as good as it used to be and goodness knows what it has cost BCC to update their site ; (
