Hi everyone, I love reading all your messages and views and wondered if someone out there could give me a kick. Going for my third annual mammogram this afternoon (diagnosed June 2004) and suddenly feeling very anxious. After all the treatment following surgery, radiotherapy and medication, oophorectomy and changing over to arimidex, I am beginning to get more scared the longer time passes instead of becoming more positive. Friends and family think that because 3 years have now passed I’m fine whereas I am starting to get a apprehensive - does this make sense! Grade 1 stage 2, no node involvement, WLE. Please someone give me a talking to so I can get back to normal!
Can’t give you a kick, but just a little understanding. Hope your mammogram went ok and that you don’t have to wait tooooo long for the results. I completely understand how having to go for that annual mammo brings it all back. You’ve gone from being constantly cared for by doctors, nurses etc etc and now you’re out that on your own and that takes a long time to get used to. I had a similar bc to you evelen years ago aged 38, but can truly say that I tried to put it on the back burner, especially when I lost friends to accidents and I realised that no-one knows just what is around the next corner and any amount of worrying will not change that.
Life is for living, not worrying, agreed everytime you have checkups you’ll get flashbacks, all the anxiety will be pulled to the front again, but only let it be there until you get the ok, then enjoy your family and friends and don’t let this b…y disease take anymore of your precious time and energy.
Anne x
amdamc, bless you, yes the mammogram went fine although my appointment was for 2.30 and I got in at 3.40 so the waiting around was quite daunting. I also went into the same room where I had to have my core biopsy, 13 needles in one breast was not pleasant!!! Needless to say I was really panicky, but when I got home had a large glass of wine and then thought if I can get through 3 years of trying to be positive then why can’t I get through the next 3 years etc etc. After reading your message yes I quite agree, live life to the full and take what comes, as you can probably tell I have calmed down somewhat. Thank you for your understanding, its amazing how much comfort you can get from someone you have never met but has been through the same as you. I was 47 when diagnosed by the way.
Love Jannie1
Glad to be of help. All the best.
Anne x
I’m only 8 months dx ( WLE, rads, tamoxifen, age 45, grade 2, no nodes). Lke you say everyone thinks I’m fine because treatment has finished but it’s not the physical side of it more the mental side and the what ifs. I’ve just had a 3 monthly physical check which went ok but am dreading the mamogram in Jan. My breast care nurse has recommended some counselling and complimentary therapies in Sept after our hols and the girls have gone back to school, as I seem ok when busy and occupied! I feel that this will be hanging over me forever and therefore need to talk to someone about it. Perhaps talking to a counsellor might help you also.
Take care
Shorty xx
Thank you all for your support. Feeling much more like my old self now, just nerves I suppose. Its amazing how many awful stories I read here on these boards and feel quite angry at the treatment some of you receive. I must admit my doctors, nurses, consultants etc have all been great and very supportive, especially as my husband and I have a totally dependent physically disabled 20 year old son to care for. Getting up 6 to 8 times every night to attend to his needs gets very difficult sometimes, doesn’t help with my own stresses either, that’s why I am so glad that I plucked up the courage to join this site. We can all rant and rave, vent our feelings and know that someone will understand completely exactly what we mean, either if we find it hard to explain. We all know therefore that we count on this site to help as best we can and give support.
Love to you all