Hello, I am trying to make a decision about having an Oophorectomy as a preventative measure following seven months of treatment for DCIS. I had a mastectomy in July 2012 and have graduated from Chemo and Radiotherapy classes since then. Currently I am taking Tamoxifen and begining to think about going back to work in a couple of months, I feel fine most of the time although I am anxious that maybe I could be doing more to help prevent a re-occurance which is why I am asking for your thoughts and experiences.
I accept feeling anxious is a normal part of this process, but as I understand it having an Oophorectomy (as a pre-menopausal 42 year old) would actually give me better long term survival rates than if I continued with Tamoxifen on its own. I have ruled out Zoladex as I don’t want any more children and have no need for my ovaries to start working again in the future.
My oncologist refered me to a gynaecologist and they both agree that although there is no immediate danger they completley understand why I want it done. They have also pointed out the results of it would be an instant menopause which I must not underestimate and the longer term risks of osteoporsis, both of which could seriously affect the quality of my life - which I am just begining to be able to enjoy again…do I want to risk that? I also know I don’t want to simply take my chances.
The big question is do I or don’t I?
Have any of you made a similar decision, been through the surgery or had any side effects from it yourself? Your thoughts and experiences will really help me decide. I go back to see my onc in two weeks and I need to have made a decision by then.
Looking forward to hearing from you, many thanks, Polly x
Hi Polly
These decisions are hard to make aren’t they? I’m 32 diagnosed June 2012 (all details are in my profile if you are interested) I haven’t been offered either Oophorectomy or Zoladex despite the fact I haven’t gone into any sort of menopause with any of the treatment (yet - Tamoxifen may sort that out!) I do have a fairly high chance of this little bugger coming back but I don’t think I would have a Oophorectomy as I don’t believe it comes with any guarentees (apart from the instant menopause). Think I read somewhere that your body has other sources of making estrogen and so the little bu**er could still come back. Although i’m sure it would reduce the chances.
You don’t say weither you had any nodes affected, think normally if you don’t have nodes affected you are in one of the lower risk groups and would be putting yourself through a lot for something that may never happen.
I am just going for a requested bone scan to make sure it’s not already spread and will then try and get on with my life relying on the Tamoxifen to do it’s job.
I hope my ramblings help in some fashion, I’ve just woken up so sorry if it makes no sense
am interested in this thread too. I have been surprised at no advice or dismissal of this option.
From what i have been told:
family history of female cancer would have triggered a scan
if post menopausal then tamoxifen is replaced with another drug.
i am waiting to see if periods stop before doing anything. I know of someone who did go down this route, primarily because chemo and tamoxifen had not prevented return of periods.
would be interested to know what others think.
Hi,I had this op 2 yes ago because of my increased chances of ovarian cancer due to brca 1 gene being found,my 28 yr old daughter is also a carrier of the gene and has been advised to have the op when she is 35,the side effects are pretty awful,mainly the hot flushes but that’s due to menopause which is going to happen at sometime sooner or later anyway!decisions,decisions!
Sumica - you may have got the information about oestreogen from something I posted some weeks ago.
Because I’ve already had a hysterectomy including ovaries I mentioned to my Oncologist that I supposed I wouldn’t be producing oesteogen anymore. Her reply was that oestreogen isn’t just produced in the ovaries, a huge amount comes from body fat. In the profession they apparently call body fat “The Third Ovary”.
Thank you all so much for your replies and support x
It was actually quite exiting to log on and read your thoughts.
I do understand that my body will continue to make oestrogen through fat but does anyone know if this is at a reduced level compared to oestrogen produced from ovaries? I know I would still have to take tamoxifen to control the effect of the oestrogen on any breast cancer cells but wouldn’t I have also reduced the risk of ovarian cancer by having the op?
Di- when you say side effects are pretty awful, could you tell me more? How soon after the op did it begin, has it improved at all over time? Do you regret having the surgery considering the risks you faced?
Sumica- you are a brave lady and everything you said makes perfect sense. I think you have a very practical approach compared to my emotional one.
I look forward to reading more
Hi Polly
Thanks, really not sure abut the brave though! Think I’m going for a more of a ‘bury your head in the sand approach’ and just crossing fingers and hoping.
I wish you the best of luck with whatever you decide